Retro fit seat belts 90 side facing sears

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New Member
My 90 isn't even here yet, but I keep thinking of things I need to buy.
I've got the 4 fold down sears in the back, but no seat belts. Would ideally like to retro fit something. Just seen these on fleabay:
Anyone used them or bought similar?
As I'm in Nuneaton would save on postage!
Thanks in advance,
Original equipment is just a lap belt. They are bolted to a strong metal tube you mount to the rear tub. I have this exact setup in my 1986 90.
i mounted my single inward facing rear seat using 25x6 mm stainless flat bar under neath. That spreads the load and stops the nuts being pulled through the single lap belt is also bolted through this.
I did think it was odd it doesn't have them, as its a 1988!
Then again 3 of the seats aren't fitted either.
Maybe I'll chalk them up on the list of things my dad and brother removed and never got round to refitting! They must still exist somewhere! Probably in my dads garage. although possible the rats have had them- they really like the drive belt on the quad bike- they usually eat a couple a year!!!
Side facing seats are safer with no belts

If you plan to use them regularly or are thinking kids in the back, would strongly recommend fitting lift up front facing seats - number of threads on here from guys or have done so

Oh - and enjoy Landy ownership - when do you get him or her?
You should not use seatbelts on a side facing seat. It has been proven they do more damage than not having any!! They were not fitted as standard.

Also if you fit them then you are limited to who you can carry in the back. It's a bizarre one!
You can't put a child under 12 in a side facing seat, you would be better to sack the 4 side facing and get 2 front facing that fold down, much safer also 4 folk in the back of a 90, lets just say you all have to be good friend cos they ain't any space left
You should not use seatbelts on a side facing seat. It has been proven they do more damage than not having any!! They were not fitted as standard.

Also if you fit them then you are limited to who you can carry in the back. It's a bizarre one!

This is completely untrue and a load of poo!!!
Ok, a lap belt is designed to keep you in your seat in a crash which is much safer than the potential of flying around the car hitting other object or people and the risk of going through a window. They were fitted as standard for inward facing seats from whenever the seat belt law was passed (can't remember the date) till 2006/2007 when the forward facing seat were put in from factory and if they were factory fitted anyone is allowed to sit in them and must wear the lapbelt by law (except baby seats that aren't designed to be held by lap belts) so every point above is poo, as said.
From depot of transport PDF about side facing seats

Can side facing seats be fitted?
Our advice is that passengers are safest in a forward or rearward facing seat equipped with a lap belt or, preferably, a three-point belt.
Although side facing seats, with or without seat belts, are not illegal, we would not advise that they are used. This is because seat belts are not designed to be used with such seats. In the event of an accident, seat belts on these side facing seats may help to prevent the wearer being thrown around the vehicle or from being ejected, but in a frontal crash they can increase injury risk by subjecting vulnerable parts of the body to higher loads than seat belts used on forward facing seats. You should also bear in mind that child restraints cannot be fitted to side facing seats. In order to fit the required child restraints, you would need to have forward or rearward facing seats with full three-point seat belts.
From depot of transport PDF about side facing seats

Can side facing seats be fitted?
Our advice is that passengers are safest in a forward or rearward facing seat equipped with a lap belt or, preferably, a three-point belt.
Although side facing seats, with or without seat belts, are not illegal, we would not advise that they are used. This is because seat belts are not designed to be used with such seats. In the event of an accident, seat belts on these side facing seats may help to prevent the wearer being thrown around the vehicle or from being ejected, but in a frontal crash they can increase injury risk by subjecting vulnerable parts of the body to higher loads than seat belts used on forward facing seats. You should also bear in mind that child restraints cannot be fitted to side facing seats. In order to fit the required child restraints, you would need to have forward or rearward facing seats with full three-point seat belts.

Kids need an additional seat of some kind up till 1.35m tall or age 12. All of which need a 3 point forward facing seat so they can't use them
So you just confirmed everything I said then. Not illegal, stops you being thrown around the car and only kid seats can't be put in them.
So you just confirmed everything I said then. Not illegal, stops you being thrown around the car and only kid seats can't be put in them.

I never said they were illegal just an incredibly bad place to sit with a seatbelt on, and the lack of kids seats are the restrictions I am talking about. I guess my point is that when I have my daughter in my 110 CSW then there is no way I would ever let her sit in one of the side facing seats and I am planning to take mine out and get 2 forward facing seats which you can put a 3 point seat belt on.
This is because seat belts are not designed to be used with such seats.

What part of what I said and the extract from the DofT guidance is poo?

Also I pointed out what seems to be quite bizzare regs about who you can carry . All of that information is on the DofT website.

So you know what you can do with your 'poo'...... :p:p:p
Thanks for the replies! I think!

Station House- we're getting Jimmy on Tuesday (it's a him). Was wondering if we parked him next to a her would we get some baby landies? Seems a good idea to me!

Was only thinking that last time I sat in the rear seats I kept sliding off, but thought that any belt is better than no belt.

As I don't have any kiddies I won't be worrying about this for quite a while. It's not going to be an everyday car- got a Mini Cooper and a mk2 golf for that! Trust me, in both you need a seat belt to not get flung about when I'm driving!

Not sure about fitting forward facing ones- want to do a fairly inexpensive restoration with any toys to be added later! Although, everyday that shopping list gets longer!!