although this is probably now over cooked, here's my two penneth. Spam would be an unsolicited posting by someone who could not be considered a true member, and has only joined the forum for the purposes of selling their product, be it landy related or not. How many times have we had "new pill to make your lady love you long" posts on here ? these truly are spam.
NI has merely posted a land rover related thread on the forum indicating that these models are available, and he has details if you wish. Maybe it should have been put in the "for sale" section, maybe not. If so, one of the mods will move it. NI can hardly be regarded as anything but a bona fide member of the forum, who has contributed greatly to the forum, and provided a great deal of advice to a large number of members.
I always try to view this forum as if I was in the pub drinking, and the regulars on the forum are like the regulars in the pub, and we all sit and post/chat together. If you was having a drink in the pub, and one of the regulars you sit with said "I know a mate who's selling land rover models if anyone's interested" it wouldn't be a problem at all. If however, someone you have never even spoken to before pulled up a chair and said "who wants to buy some pills to make your c*ck bigger", that would be a problem.
Whilst all members should be treated the same, only members that join for financial gain should be treated with disdain.