Re: OT mobile and online

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Dave White

In <[email protected]> Mr.Nice. wrote:
> ok, here's a question that I am sure can be answered here.
> What do I need to have mobile access to the internet whilst out and
> about?
> I'm thinking laptop based via a mobile phone network somehow.
> I have no idea how this works, so an idiots guide please folks.

Essentially you use your mobile phone as a modem. You can connect the
two together, dependant on age and features, via a serial cable. Infra
Red or Bluetooth. You then create a new dialup connection using the
phone as a modem and away you go.

Some ISPs offer numbers for specific networks so, for example, if your
phone is with Orange you can dial a number that is another Orange number
so you only pay the lowest tarrif while connected. (Demon offer this).

The bad news is that you are pretty much limited to 9600 baud connection
which is a bit slow for general use - especially when a "mate" has sent
you the latest funny flash animation that's a 4MB attachment !

You may also need to enable data calling on your phone if you don't have
it already.


Dave W.