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Jon Yaeger wrote:

> in article [email protected], Stewart Pinkerton at
> [email protected] wrote on 11/16/04 1:06 PM:
> > On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 08:52:50 GMT, Lord Valve <[email protected]>
> > wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Boffer wrote:
> >>
> >>> "Stewart Pinkerton" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >>> news:[email protected]...
> >>>> On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 00:23:08 GMT, DTJ <[email protected]> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 21:23:45 +0000 (UTC), Stewart Pinkerton
> >>>>> <[email protected]> wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Keep your lame-ass eyeballs on Fallujah for the next few
> >>>>>>>> days, junior. We'll show ya how it's done.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Indeed yes - shoot everything that moves. Yup, that'll really show 'em
> >>>>>> the value of democracy...............
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Hey ****head, if it is still in Fallujah, it is a terrorist. The
> >>>>> reason - the terrorists KILLED all the citizens that did not leave
> >>>>> already. ****ing bleeding heart liberal assholes like you should move
> >>>>> there soon, so we can kill you.
> >>>>
> >>>> Redneck morons like you deserve to be right in the front line when all
> >>>> this strutting comes home to roost.
> >>>
> >>> Tell you what, why don't you sit down with the terrorists and try and
> >>> explain your point of view. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to listen to
> >>> you, just before they hack your head off with kitchen knife. Like your
> >>> countryman that was slaughtered trying to help rebuild their country. Take a
> >>> good look at the world around you.

> >
> > Unlike most Yanks, we do take a good look at the world around us. Ever
> > been out of the continental USA? Ever been out of State? Ever been out
> > of Hazzard County?
> >
> >>> There are approx.15 Muslim involved armed
> >>> conflicts going on around the world. That have nothing to do with the U.S,
> >>> Israel or the lack a Palestinian homeland. The conflicts are all Muslim's
> >>> that can't get along with their neighbors.Why? Because their neighbors
> >>> aren't Muslim. The "fundamentalist Muslims" have an agenda and its simple
> >>> "Kill or Convert the infidels."

> >
> > Not readily distinguishable from Bush policy these days - especially
> > now that the only sane man in the White House has been forced out.
> >
> >>> Like it or not that includes you unless you
> >>> are one of them already. They are no better than the Nazi's and no more
> >>> noble than a rabid dog. As to being on the front line, been there, done
> >>> that, got the shrapnel.

> >
> > In the back, no doubt...............
> >
> >>> Beer and a body count.. HOOO-YAH!!

> >
> > You'd **** yourself if faced with a real enemy, you redneck bag of
> > wind and ****.
> >
> >> The nasty ****ers are killing Buddhists in Thailand.
> >>
> >> Nary a Jew nor an American in sight, but then - they
> >> gotta kill *somebody*, right? Clueless ****s like
> >> Pinky won't wake up until they're issued a prayer
> >> rug and ordered to use it - or die. By then, it'll
> >> be too late. And, of course, the citizenry has
> >> no guns in the UK, so Pinky's ass'll be in the
> >> air five times a day as required.

> >
> > Nope, because we're not trying to rip off everyone's oil, like you
> > dumbphukkes do with the use of 'overwhelming force'. And it does of
> > course have to *be* overwhelming force, because your troops are so
> > useless. Noted that 800 Black Watch replaced 4,000 US Marines.
> >
> >> I'll take my chances in the good ol' USA, and
> >> whining commie ****s like Pinky can ****ing
> >> go fish.

> >
> > Yeah, like most of your kin, you're too scared to venture abroad. In
> > fact, you probably don't even venture any further than a tank of gas
> > will take you in your stupid pickup truck. Lemme guess - rifle rack?

> ******
> Don't sweat it, LV. I think Pinkie's rotten teeth are bothering him again .
> . . .

ROFLMBFAO! There's something to sweat? ;-)



"Stewart Pinkerton" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 15:01:31 -0800, "Boffer"
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Redneck morons like you deserve to be right in the front line when
>>>>> > all
>>>>> > this strutting comes home to roost.
>>>>> Tell you what, why don't you sit down with the terrorists and try and
>>>>> explain your point of view. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to
>>>>> listen to
>>>>> you, just before they hack your head off with kitchen knife. Like your
>>>>> countryman that was slaughtered trying to help rebuild their country.
>>>>> Take a
>>>>> good look at the world around you.
>>> Unlike most Yanks, we do take a good look at the world around us. Ever
>>> been out of the continental USA? Ever been out of State? Ever been out
>>> of Hazzard County?

>>Actually I've never been to Hazzard county and since there hasn't been
>>combat on U.S. soil in over 100 years the answer would be yes, I have been
>>out of the U.S. I've spent time in the U.K, France, Germany and Italy. I
>>found most of the people there friendly and intelligent. I've also spent
>>time in Asia, South America and parts of the Middle east. When was the
>>time you ventured out of your hole?

> June 2004, we go abroad at least twice a year, one Europe and one long
> haul, plus the odd long weekend to Paris Rome or Barcelona. I've also
> worked in Hong Kong, California, Texas, Massachusetts, and Ontario. I
> found the people mostly friendly and intelligent, except for
> California, which I'm not sure is actually connected to planet Earth.

This surprises me because most of the Hollywood elite and the sucking chest
wound of a city they call San Francisco agree with you and your view.

>>>>>There are approx.15 Muslim involved armed
>>>>> conflicts going on around the world. That have nothing to do with the
>>>>> U.S,
>>>>> Israel or the lack a Palestinian homeland. The conflicts are all
>>>>> Muslim's
>>>>> that can't get along with their neighbors.Why? Because their neighbors
>>>>> aren't Muslim. The "fundamentalist Muslims" have an agenda and its
>>>>> simple
>>>>> "Kill or Convert the infidels."
>>> Not readily distinguishable from Bush policy these days - especially
>>> now that the only sane man in the White House has been forced out.

>>To date we have never televised the decapitation of any prisoner.

> But you have just televised the shooting of an unarmed and wounded
> prisoner in a mosque, by one of your brave Marines.

Unfortunately, it was an atrocity. But then war by its very nature isn't it?
I'm sure, as a battle hardened soldier you've done things you regret.
Biggest difference you and I didn't have a camera there when it happened. If
you say no then you've either never been in combat or are a liar.

>>I suppose
>>you are going to disregard the 50 or so Muslim involved armed conflicts
>>occurred during the Clinton administration that also had nothing to do
>>the U.S. or Israel. The sane man wasn't forced out of the White House he
>>re-elected. If you are referring to Kerry, that lying coward was never in
>>the White House. Just facts not inflamation. We just got the news that a
>>female British care worker has been murdered by the vermon you are
>>defending. My prayers go to her family. I'll pay your fare to Iraq so you
>>can negotiate with these noble freedom fighters. Perhaps you'll fair
>>than that poor lady.

> I'm referring to Colin Powell, you moron. Now you have a sycophantic
> hawk bitch with no military experience backing up the fundamentalist
> religious nutjob that you clowns put back in the Oval Office.

Hmm... interesting, you just can help but resort to name calling can you?
Colin Powell is not none for being overly hawkish in fact he's gotten
criticism for not be hardline enough. Dr. Rice however was the National
Security Advisor so perhaps she will be more hawkish. George W. is far from
a fundamentalist. At least he doesn't have to take a poll before making a

>>>>> Like it or not that includes you unless you
>>>>> are one of them already. They are no better than the Nazi's and no
>>>>> more
>>>>> noble than a rabid dog. As to being on the front line, been there,
>>>>> done
>>>>> that, got the shrapnel.
>>> In the back, no doubt...............
>>>>> Beer and a body count.. HOOO-YAH!!
>>> You'd **** yourself if faced with a real enemy, you redneck bag of
>>> wind and ****.

>>Careful Pinky, your limited vocabulary and intellect are showing.

> I'm holding it down to a level you just might understand.

That's ok y'all go ahaid an use them thar big fancy werds. I gots me a one
o'them thar dicshunarys so's I kin look un up.

>> I've said
>>nothing to inpune your integrity or character. But, typical of
>>pacifists when they can't argue facts, they resort to personal attacks.
>>the shrapnel is in my back, both legs, left arm and left side of my face.
>>recieved them performing CPR on a fallen soldier during a mortar attack.

> Fair enough, comment withdrawn. BTW, I'm not 'anti-American', I'm anti
> what America is doing in the world. Most of the individual Americans I
> know are fine guys, if a little hazy about what goes on in the rest of
> the world.
>> As
>>for facing a real enemy, let's see how long your peace loving panties stay
>>clean in a firefight. Sorry, I guess I missed your post about your

> Northern Ireland. Messy business, bloody stupid, never will be
> resolved. Our VietNam, but hopefully we learned lessons there, America
> still thinks that bully-boy tactics, and supporting Israeli oppression
> of its own non-Jewish citizens, are a good way to reduce the number
> of anti-American terrorists. Duh...................

I'll agree with you on most of this. But how do you justify the Muslims in
other countries that have never been and never will be oppressed by Israel
or the U.S. raising their children to be terroists? As to reducing the
number of anti-American terrorists, I couldn't care less what some lunatic
in a head scarf says, but when they draw blood their demise needs to be
swift and final.
Were it my decision we'd have spent the money on tracking down Al-Queda and
Bin Laden and exterminating them.
Then pull completely out of the Middle east and them kill each other. Of
course along with this the U.N. would be politely asked to leave the U.S.

>>>>The nasty ****ers are killing Buddhists in Thailand.
>>>>Nary a Jew nor an American in sight, but then - they
>>>>gotta kill *somebody*, right? Clueless ****s like
>>>>Pinky won't wake up until they're issued a prayer
>>>>rug and ordered to use it - or die. By then, it'll
>>>>be too late. And, of course, the citizenry has
>>>>no guns in the UK, so Pinky's ass'll be in the
>>>>air five times a day as required.
>>> Nope, because we're not trying to rip off everyone's oil, like you
>>> dumbphukkes do with the use of 'overwhelming force'. And it does of
>>> course have to *be* overwhelming force, because your troops are so
>>> useless. Noted that 800 Black Watch replaced 4,000 US Marines.

>>Well, here we are again with the personal attacks. BTW Pinky "dumbphukkes"
>>should be 2 words. There is no H and only 1 K. (Sorry, just found the
>>misspelling ironic)

> You mean, like mutha****a?

Well not really because "mutha****a" isn't really a word. Except in some
urban **** holes. Now mother ****er on the hand is 2 words and does have 1 H
and 1 K.

>> You know with all the oil we're ripping off you'd think
>>the price of gas would come down.#

> It *is* down in the US, has been for decades, so you can keep running
> those pickups..............

Maybe, by European standards it's down. But exactly where are we ripping oil
If you were to come to the U.S. you'd find that the largest retailer of
petroleum product is B.P.
That's British Petroleum isn't it? As the kids say "don't hate the player
hate the game".

>> I guess you're just a little ****y because
>>Saddam screwed you and the rest of the U.N. in the Food For Oil deal. It
>>doesn't have to *be* overwhelming force that's just the tactics used in
>>campaign. If you recall it was a bunch backwoods farmers that bested your
>>overwhelming forces in a little skirmish in the 1700s. As to your 800
>>Watch, I'd love to buy them a pint. Nice to know some Brits have the guts
>>fight. Of course Pinky you fail to mention that the Black Watch is an
>>unit. Better trained and equipped that the average "ass in the grass"
>>Marine. So a 5 to1 ratio of soldiers trained in special warfare to line
>>soldiers is not abnormal.

> Hmmm, I thought the USMC was supposed to be an elite force? The Black
> Watch is not any kind of 'Special Forces' unit, it's simply one of the
> fine Highland Regiments that are the backbone of the UK fighting
> forces. Of course, as a Scot, I would say that! :)

Only in the mind of the USMC are they elite. The Corp. was born in a tavern
and took in almost any man that couldn't get into any other branch.(sorry
leathernecks, but facts are facts) I'm not slighting their abilities in
anyway, but they are not special forces. Except for the Force Recon and
sniper units. So the Black Watch is just another unit in the British army?
Anyone can be assigned to the unit after completing basic training?
>>>>I'll take my chances in the good ol' USA, and
>>>>whining commie ****s like Pinky can ****ing
>>>>go fish.

>>Amen Brother
>>> Yeah, like most of your kin, you're too scared to venture abroad. In
>>> fact, you probably don't even venture any further than a tank of gas
>>> will take you in your stupid pickup truck. Lemme guess - rifle rack?

>>I can't argue this one, you got me. Seems like everytime we do venture out
>>some backwards country wants us to give them foreign aide, solve their
>>conflict, feed their hungry, educate their illiterate, arm and train their
>>military etc. So yes, I'll stay here in the U.S. drive my big gas guzzling
>>4x4 complete with a rifle rack and American flag, and keep my dirty U.S.
>>dollars here.

> Thought so. Watch out for them Ayrabs, dude, they're a comin' to git
> ya!

Ayrabs are the least of my concerns it's the damn bleeding heart liberals
that hold no-one accountable for their action and expect the rest of society
to care for them while passing law after law to protect me from me.

On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 07:45:43 +0000 (UTC), Stewart Pinkerton
<[email protected]> wrote:

>BTW, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom
>fighter. Remember George Washington? Also, Dubya has been known to use
>the word 'crusade' when referring to his supposed 'War on Terror',
>which is disturbing.

I don't recall George Washington murdering uninvolved civilians in
order to terrorize them or to turn them against the British (who did
murder civilians as examples, much as the Nazis did years later).

Contemporary American usage, for at least a hundred years, defines
"crusade" (Quoting Websters New 20th Century Dictionary) as: "To
support or oppose ANY cause with zeal". (emphasis added) If that is
"disturbing" then you have certainly been guilty of disturbing
behavior recently.

BTW, lest you denounce me as being provincial, I do know the British
spelling of terrorize and behavior. I also know that, in part of the
world, the term redneck refers to someone from the British Isles.

An American who has been to most of the US states, Canadian provinces,
British counties and who has lived in the local economy outside the
Northern Hemisphere,
Brian McAllister

Sarasota, Florida

email bkm at oldtech dot net [email protected]
On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 01:16:08 -0800, "Boffer"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>"Stewart Pinkerton" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 15:01:31 -0800, "Boffer"
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Redneck morons like you deserve to be right in the front line when
>>>>>> > all
>>>>>> > this strutting comes home to roost.
>>>>>> Tell you what, why don't you sit down with the terrorists and try and
>>>>>> explain your point of view. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to
>>>>>> listen to
>>>>>> you, just before they hack your head off with kitchen knife. Like your
>>>>>> countryman that was slaughtered trying to help rebuild their country.
>>>>>> Take a
>>>>>> good look at the world around you.
>>>> Unlike most Yanks, we do take a good look at the world around us. Ever
>>>> been out of the continental USA? Ever been out of State? Ever been out
>>>> of Hazzard County?
>>>Actually I've never been to Hazzard county and since there hasn't been
>>>combat on U.S. soil in over 100 years the answer would be yes, I have been
>>>out of the U.S. I've spent time in the U.K, France, Germany and Italy. I
>>>found most of the people there friendly and intelligent. I've also spent
>>>time in Asia, South America and parts of the Middle east. When was the
>>>time you ventured out of your hole?

>> June 2004, we go abroad at least twice a year, one Europe and one long
>> haul, plus the odd long weekend to Paris Rome or Barcelona. I've also
>> worked in Hong Kong, California, Texas, Massachusetts, and Ontario. I
>> found the people mostly friendly and intelligent, except for
>> California, which I'm not sure is actually connected to planet Earth.

>This surprises me because most of the Hollywood elite and the sucking chest
>wound of a city they call San Francisco agree with you and your view.
>>>>>>There are approx.15 Muslim involved armed
>>>>>> conflicts going on around the world. That have nothing to do with the
>>>>>> U.S,
>>>>>> Israel or the lack a Palestinian homeland. The conflicts are all
>>>>>> Muslim's
>>>>>> that can't get along with their neighbors.Why? Because their neighbors
>>>>>> aren't Muslim. The "fundamentalist Muslims" have an agenda and its
>>>>>> simple
>>>>>> "Kill or Convert the infidels."
>>>> Not readily distinguishable from Bush policy these days - especially
>>>> now that the only sane man in the White House has been forced out.
>>>To date we have never televised the decapitation of any prisoner.

>> But you have just televised the shooting of an unarmed and wounded
>> prisoner in a mosque, by one of your brave Marines.

>Unfortunately, it was an atrocity. But then war by its very nature isn't it?
>I'm sure, as a battle hardened soldier you've done things you regret.
>Biggest difference you and I didn't have a camera there when it happened. If
>you say no then you've either never been in combat or are a liar.

Sniper, so basically a cold-blooded murderer, if you like. As you
point out, bad things happen in war, so calling only the Muslims on
it, when they are hopelessly outgunned and are using all they have, is
hardly productive.

>> I'm referring to Colin Powell, you moron. Now you have a sycophantic
>> hawk bitch with no military experience backing up the fundamentalist
>> religious nutjob that you clowns put back in the Oval Office.

>Hmm... interesting, you just can help but resort to name calling can you?
>Colin Powell is not none for being overly hawkish in fact he's gotten
>criticism for not be hardline enough.


> Dr. Rice however was the National
>Security Advisor so perhaps she will be more hawkish.

Yes, we already know that. That's the problem.......

> George W. is far from
>a fundamentalist.

Whaaaaaat? That far right Christian nutjob? You're kidding, right?

>At least he doesn't have to take a poll before making a

Indeed not, in fact he tends not to consult *anyone* before sending in
the big guns..................

>> Northern Ireland. Messy business, bloody stupid, never will be
>> resolved. Our VietNam, but hopefully we learned lessons there, America
>> still thinks that bully-boy tactics, and supporting Israeli oppression
>> of its own non-Jewish citizens, are a good way to reduce the number
>> of anti-American terrorists. Duh...................

>I'll agree with you on most of this. But how do you justify the Muslims in
>other countries that have never been and never will be oppressed by Israel
>or the U.S. raising their children to be terroists?

Why do you expect Britain to back US action? Common cause with
threatened brethren.

> As to reducing the
>number of anti-American terrorists, I couldn't care less what some lunatic
>in a head scarf says, but when they draw blood their demise needs to be
>swift and final.

Ever stop to think *why* they draw blood? Ever wonder how desperate
*you* would have to be to strap a bomb to your body? Believe me, I'm
no 'bleeding heart liberal', I'm just trying to *really* achieve the
*claimed* aim of the US government in reducing the threat of ant-West
terrorism. Strikes me that nuking Tel Aviv would get almost everyone
off your backs................. :)

>Were it my decision we'd have spent the money on tracking down Al-Queda and
>Bin Laden and exterminating them.

Nom problem there, the CIA should still have all the 'phone numbers
from when they trained tham to harass the Soviets in Afghanistan.

>Then pull completely out of the Middle east and them kill each other. Of
>course along with this the U.N. would be politely asked to leave the U.S.

No real problem with that, although it would help if you'd stop
selling advanced weapons to Israel.

>> Hmmm, I thought the USMC was supposed to be an elite force? The Black
>> Watch is not any kind of 'Special Forces' unit, it's simply one of the
>> fine Highland Regiments that are the backbone of the UK fighting
>> forces. Of course, as a Scot, I would say that! :)

>Only in the mind of the USMC are they elite. The Corp. was born in a tavern
>and took in almost any man that couldn't get into any other branch.(sorry
>leathernecks, but facts are facts) I'm not slighting their abilities in
>anyway, but they are not special forces.

Interesting. They tell it differently, of course! :)

> Except for the Force Recon and
>sniper units. So the Black Watch is just another unit in the British army?
>Anyone can be assigned to the unit after completing basic training?

Normally, the Black Watch (42nd Highland Regiment) recruits directly
from the area around their headquarters in Perth, Scotland. While
they are certainly regarded by many as the premier fighting unit of
the Scottish Highland Regiments, themselves the holders of more battle
honours per unit than any other part of the British army (the
legendary Thin Red Line at Balaclava was the Argyll and Sutherland
Highlanders), they are indeed regular infantrymen.

Stewart Pinkerton | Music is Art - Audio is Engineering

"Stewart Pinkerton" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 01:16:08 -0800, "Boffer"
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>To date we have never televised the decapitation of any prisoner.
>>> But you have just televised the shooting of an unarmed and wounded
>>> prisoner in a mosque, by one of your brave Marines.

>>Unfortunately, it was an atrocity. But then war is by its very nature
>>I'm sure, as a battle hardened soldier you've done things you regret.
>>Biggest difference you and I didn't have a camera there when it happened.
>>you say no then you've either never been in combat or are a liar.

> Sniper, so basically a cold-blooded murderer, if you like. As you
> point out, bad things happen in war, so calling only the Muslims on
> it, when they are hopelessly outgunned and are using all they have, is
> hardly productive.

Perhaps cold blooded but a soldier none the less, that has a target profile.
Unlike a fanatic that straps a bomb to their body to blow up a tour bus,
cafe, shopping center
etc. Indescrimately killing non-combatants who are completely unarmed or the
cowards that kidnap people at gun point to slaughter them for the media.
Simply because they don't believe or look the way you do.
WOW.. talk about bigotry. They have been spilling blood because Allah told
them too for how many centuries?
Albeit Christians have done their fair share in the name of God. I've yet
to find any
passage in the Bible that tells you to kill everyone that disagrees with

>>> I'm referring to Colin Powell, you moron. Now you have a sycophantic
>>> hawk bitch with no military experience backing up the fundamentalist
>>> religious nutjob that you clowns put back in the Oval Office.

>>Hmm... interesting, you just can help but resort to name calling can you?
>>Colin Powell is not none for being overly hawkish in fact he's gotten
>>criticism for not be hardline enough.

> Exactly!

So you're saying that Colin Powell wasn't hawkish enough ?

>> Dr. Rice however was the National
>>Security Advisor so perhaps she will be more hawkish.

> Yes, we already know that. That's the problem.......

And Dr. Rice is too Hawkish. we should have gone in and blown
them to Hell and gone sooner and be giving humanitarian aide now? Ok....I
go along with that.
>> George W. is far from
>>a fundamentalist.

> Whaaaaaat? That far right Christian nutjob? You're kidding, right?

Dubya is no far right fundamentalist. "They" want to reinstate the interment
camps for any person of middle eastern linage. Issue us all national I.D.
card and micro chip everyone so they can track everyone's movements. Then
close the
boarders round up everyone that doesn't conform and deport them. I'll give
you the Christian part, he's never said he wasn't religous. But then again
Sen. Kerry suddenly found religion, when he thought it would increase his
chances of winning the election.
>>At least he doesn't have to take a poll before making a

> Indeed not, in fact he tends not to consult *anyone* before sending in
> the big guns..................

Not true, he has to get approval of congress before he can send in military.
Which he did and even the now critical John Kerry voted to send troops to

>>> Northern Ireland. Messy business, bloody stupid, never will be
>>> resolved. Our VietNam, but hopefully we learned lessons there, America
>>> still thinks that bully-boy tactics, and supporting Israeli oppression
>>> of its own non-Jewish citizens, are a good way to reduce the number
>>> of anti-American terrorists. Duh...................

>>I'll agree with you on most of this. But how do you justify the Muslims in
>>other countries that have never been and never will be oppressed by Israel
>>or the U.S. raising their children to be terroists?

> Why do you expect Britain to back US action? Common cause with
> threatened brethren.

Frankly, neither I nor most Americans I've spoken with excpect Britain or
anyone else to
back us. We appreciate the assistance and my hat is off to any soldier that
does. So what you are saying that as long as it's a common cause all's fair?
OK.. just wanted to make sure I was reading you correctly.

>> As to reducing the
>>number of anti-American terrorists, I couldn't care less what some lunatic
>>in a head scarf says, but when they draw blood their demise needs to be
>>swift and final.

> Ever stop to think *why* they draw blood? Ever wonder how desperate
> *you* would have to be to strap a bomb to your body? Believe me, I'm
> no 'bleeding heart liberal', I'm just trying to *really* achieve the
> *claimed* aim of the US government in reducing the threat of ant-West
> terrorism. Strikes me that nuking Tel Aviv would get almost everyone
> off your backs................. :)

Perhaps it would, but that really smacks of Nazism. "Things are bad so let's
blame and kill the Jews". Are you really that niave? Would the genocide of
any race really appease these people? Muslim sects have been at war with
each other and just about everyone else the planet for centuries. Israel is
just an excuse. Without Israel it would be because we buy oil from Saudi, or
support another country. Pick any excuse you want and definately because we
don't have prayer rugs and bow to Allah. Fanaticism and biggotry definately,
but desperation please.

>Were it my decision we'd have spent the money on tracking down Al-Queda
>>Bin Laden and exterminating them.

> Nom problem there, the CIA should still have all the 'phone numbers
> from when they trained tham to harass the Soviets in Afghanistan.

To bad it's not that simple since our previous President gutted the
intellegince and military and was more pre-occupied with chasing skirts and
pandering to the Hollywood crowd than securing the U.S.

>>Then pull completely out of the Middle east and them kill each other. Of
>>course along with this the U.N. would be politely asked to leave the U.S.

> No real problem with that, although it would help if you'd stop
> selling advanced weapons to Israel.

Catch 22 get China and the former Soviets, France and Germany to stop
supplying regimes like Saddam's, Iran etc. and round and round we go.

>>> Hmmm, I thought the USMC was supposed to be an elite force? The Black
>>> Watch is not any kind of 'Special Forces' unit, it's simply one of the
>>> fine Highland Regiments that are the backbone of the UK fighting
>>> forces. Of course, as a Scot, I would say that! :)

>>Only in the mind of the USMC are they elite. The Corp. was born in a
>>and took in almost any man that couldn't get into any other branch.(sorry
>>leathernecks, but facts are facts) I'm not slighting their abilities in
>>anyway, but they are not special forces.

> Interesting. They tell it differently, of course! :)

Of course they do, they're all warrior gods in their own eyes.

>> Except for the Force Recon and
>>sniper units. So the Black Watch is just another unit in the British army?
>>Anyone can be assigned to the unit after completing basic training?

> Normally, the Black Watch (42nd Highland Regiment) recruits directly
> from the area around their headquarters in Perth, Scotland. While
> they are certainly regarded by many as the premier fighting unit of
> the Scottish Highland Regiments, themselves the holders of more battle
> honours per unit than any other part of the British army (the
> legendary Thin Red Line at Balaclava was the Argyll and Sutherland
> Highlanders), they are indeed regular infantrymen

Then I stand corrected, I was under the impression they were an elite unit
like our Rangers or S.E.A.L.s.

On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 17:08:56 -0800, "Boffer"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>>>are one of them already. They are no better than the Nazi's and no more
>>>noble than a rabid dog.

>> I beg to disagree. The fact is that Hitler and the Nazis were far
>> more respectable than muslim terrorists. I don't recall the Nazis
>> using religion or God as a deciding factor in who they wanted to kill.

>True enough they didn't practice genocide in the name of any diety. Just if
>you differed in anyway from the Arian ideals. But like the Nazi's they blame
>the Jews for most everything. Good point.

However that answer is simplistic and inaccurate. There were far more
people killed who were not jews than there were jews killed. They
were not even the largest group. It is all in the marketing.
On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 07:45:43 +0000 (UTC), Stewart Pinkerton
<[email protected]> wrote:

>fighter. Remember George Washington? Also, Dubya has been known to use
>the word 'crusade' when referring to his supposed 'War on Terror',
>which is disturbing.

Which shows how ****ing dense you are. In a single speech, just once,
that word came out. Assholes like you just like to imagine it had
something to do with what your people did centuries ago. Maybe you
should study English, so you can understand the meaning of the word
in article [email protected], DTJ at
[email protected] wrote on 11/17/04 10:16 PM:

> On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 17:08:56 -0800, "Boffer"
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> are one of them already. They are no better than the Nazi's and no more
>>>> noble than a rabid dog.
>>> I beg to disagree. The fact is that Hitler and the Nazis were far
>>> more respectable than muslim terrorists. I don't recall the Nazis
>>> using religion or God as a deciding factor in who they wanted to kill.

>> True enough they didn't practice genocide in the name of any diety. Just if
>> you differed in anyway from the Arian ideals. But like the Nazi's they blame
>> the Jews for most everything. Good point.

> However that answer is simplistic and inaccurate. There were far more
> people killed who were not jews than there were jews killed. They
> were not even the largest group. It is all in the marketing.

Your understanding of Nazi genocide is simply in terms of "marketing"?

Doubtless more non-Jews were killed by Nazis, but in terms of population and
percentage, it was efficient genocide.

Do you think Zionists made up the Nazi story? Do you live in Montana under
a rock?


On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 03:16:02 GMT, DTJ <[email protected]> wrote:

>On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 17:08:56 -0800, "Boffer"
><[email protected]> wrote:
>>>>are one of them already. They are no better than the Nazi's and no more
>>>>noble than a rabid dog.
>>> I beg to disagree. The fact is that Hitler and the Nazis were far
>>> more respectable than muslim terrorists. I don't recall the Nazis
>>> using religion or God as a deciding factor in who they wanted to kill.

>>True enough they didn't practice genocide in the name of any diety. Just if
>>you differed in anyway from the Arian ideals. But like the Nazi's they blame
>>the Jews for most everything. Good point.

>However that answer is simplistic and inaccurate. There were far more
>people killed who were not jews than there were jews killed. They
>were not even the largest group. It is all in the marketing.

If you're after facts, far and away the heaviest loss of life was in
Russia, with around 20 million dead. It's hard to tot up more than a
couple of million Jews, despite the good marketing, as you say.

Stewart Pinkerton | Music is Art - Audio is Engineering
On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 03:18:08 GMT, DTJ <[email protected]> wrote:

>On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 07:45:43 +0000 (UTC), Stewart Pinkerton
><[email protected]> wrote:
>>fighter. Remember George Washington? Also, Dubya has been known to use
>>the word 'crusade' when referring to his supposed 'War on Terror',
>>which is disturbing.

>Which shows how ****ing dense you are. In a single speech, just once,
>that word came out. Assholes like you just like to imagine it had
>something to do with what your people did centuries ago. Maybe you
>should study English, so you can understand the meaning of the word

Maybe you should study what that religious nutjob in the ****e House
is intending to do in the Muslim world. There won't be anyone in *his*
administration called Stan, you may be sure!


Stewart Pinkerton | Music is Art - Audio is Engineering
On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:35:28 -0500, Jon Yaeger <[email protected]>

>>>> I beg to disagree. The fact is that Hitler and the Nazis were far
>>>> more respectable than muslim terrorists. I don't recall the Nazis
>>>> using religion or God as a deciding factor in who they wanted to kill.
>>> True enough they didn't practice genocide in the name of any diety. Just if
>>> you differed in anyway from the Arian ideals. But like the Nazi's they blame
>>> the Jews for most everything. Good point.

>> However that answer is simplistic and inaccurate. There were far more
>> people killed who were not jews than there were jews killed. They
>> were not even the largest group. It is all in the marketing.

>Your understanding of Nazi genocide is simply in terms of "marketing"?
>Doubtless more non-Jews were killed by Nazis, but in terms of population and
>percentage, it was efficient genocide.
>Do you think Zionists made up the Nazi story?

You should warn us that you have comprehension problems before
in article [email protected], DTJ at
[email protected] wrote on 11/18/04 7:21 PM:

> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 22:35:28 -0500, Jon Yaeger <[email protected]>
> wrote:
>>>>> I beg to disagree. The fact is that Hitler and the Nazis were far
>>>>> more respectable than muslim terrorists. I don't recall the Nazis
>>>>> using religion or God as a deciding factor in who they wanted to kill.
>>>> True enough they didn't practice genocide in the name of any diety. Just if
>>>> you differed in anyway from the Arian ideals. But like the Nazi's they
>>>> blame
>>>> the Jews for most everything. Good point.
>>> However that answer is simplistic and inaccurate. There were far more
>>> people killed who were not jews than there were jews killed. They
>>> were not even the largest group. It is all in the marketing.

>> Your understanding of Nazi genocide is simply in terms of "marketing"?
>> Doubtless more non-Jews were killed by Nazis, but in terms of population and
>> percentage, it was efficient genocide.
>> Do you think Zionists made up the Nazi story?

> You should warn us that you have comprehension problems before
> posting.

You're absolutely right. I speak several languages; douchebag isn't one of


"Stewart Pinkerton" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 03:16:02 GMT, DTJ <[email protected]> wrote:
> >On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 17:08:56 -0800, "Boffer"
> ><[email protected]> wrote:
> >
> >>>>are one of them already. They are no better than the Nazi's and no

> >>>>noble than a rabid dog.
> >>>
> >>> I beg to disagree. The fact is that Hitler and the Nazis were far
> >>> more respectable than muslim terrorists. I don't recall the Nazis
> >>> using religion or God as a deciding factor in who they wanted to kill.
> >>
> >>True enough they didn't practice genocide in the name of any diety. Just

> >>you differed in anyway from the Arian ideals. But like the Nazi's they

> >>the Jews for most everything. Good point.

> >
> >However that answer is simplistic and inaccurate. There were far more
> >people killed who were not jews than there were jews killed. They
> >were not even the largest group. It is all in the marketing.

> If you're after facts, far and away the heaviest loss of life was in
> Russia, with around 20 million dead. It's hard to tot up more than a
> couple of million Jews, despite the good marketing, as you say.
> --
> Stewart Pinkerton | Music is Art - Audio is Engineering

or you can look what happens with stupid Serbs in that war.......
interesting ratio of dead vs. population......

Prodanovic Aleksandar

"don't use force, "don't use force,
use a larger hammer" use a larger tube
- Choky and IST"
- ZM

On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 23:50:31 +0100, "Choky" <[email protected]> wrote:

>"Stewart Pinkerton" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 03:16:02 GMT, DTJ <[email protected]> wrote:
>> >On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 17:08:56 -0800, "Boffer"
>> ><[email protected]> wrote:
>> >
>> >>>>are one of them already. They are no better than the Nazi's and no

>> >>>>noble than a rabid dog.
>> >>>
>> >>> I beg to disagree. The fact is that Hitler and the Nazis were far
>> >>> more respectable than muslim terrorists. I don't recall the Nazis
>> >>> using religion or God as a deciding factor in who they wanted to kill.
>> >>
>> >>True enough they didn't practice genocide in the name of any diety. Just

>> >>you differed in anyway from the Arian ideals. But like the Nazi's they

>> >>the Jews for most everything. Good point.
>> >
>> >However that answer is simplistic and inaccurate. There were far more
>> >people killed who were not jews than there were jews killed. They
>> >were not even the largest group. It is all in the marketing.

>> If you're after facts, far and away the heaviest loss of life was in
>> Russia, with around 20 million dead. It's hard to tot up more than a
>> couple of million Jews, despite the good marketing, as you say.

>or you can look what happens with stupid Serbs in that war.......
>interesting ratio of dead vs. population......

Serbs and Croats were always cannon fodder. Balkan state inhabitants
have been notorious for centuries, for viciousness and stupidity.

Stewart Pinkerton | Music is Art - Audio is Engineering
Hello Brian and Stewart,

Allow me to say that you two are more alike than you say or think you
aren't... You've both executed your patriotic duties by serving your
countries, and your are both passionate about what/how you feel. Although I
disagree more with what Stewart has said but you both have my respect and
have, certainly, earned the "right" to speak your minds about this and
similar topics. Interesting, too, your perspectives on history, old and
new. Just a reminder that besides the spoils, to the victor, the customized
updated history books. The troll's original message did it's job, eh?


"Brian McAllister" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Wed, 17 Nov 2004 07:45:43 +0000 (UTC), Stewart Pinkerton
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> >BTW, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom
> >fighter. Remember George Washington? Also, Dubya has been known to use
> >the word 'crusade' when referring to his supposed 'War on Terror',
> >which is disturbing.

> I don't recall George Washington murdering uninvolved civilians in
> order to terrorize them or to turn them against the British (who did
> murder civilians as examples, much as the Nazis did years later).
> Contemporary American usage, for at least a hundred years, defines
> "crusade" (Quoting Websters New 20th Century Dictionary) as: "To
> support or oppose ANY cause with zeal". (emphasis added) If that is
> "disturbing" then you have certainly been guilty of disturbing
> behavior recently.
> BTW, lest you denounce me as being provincial, I do know the British
> spelling of terrorize and behavior. I also know that, in part of the
> world, the term redneck refers to someone from the British Isles.
> An American who has been to most of the US states, Canadian provinces,
> British counties and who has lived in the local economy outside the
> Northern Hemisphere,
> Brian McAllister
> Sarasota, Florida
> email bkm at oldtech dot net [email protected]

On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 03:18:43 GMT, "Franko" <[email protected]>

>Interesting, too, your perspectives on history, old and
>new. Just a reminder that besides the spoils, to the victor, the customized
>updated history books.

Indeed yes, a lesson learned very well by Stalin! However, good
libraries and/or the InterNet allow us to discover what really
happened in any given era, with relative ease. Apart from who really
killed JFK, of course...............

Stewart Pinkerton | Music is Art - Audio is Engineering

: Indeed yes, a lesson learned very well by Stalin! However, good
: libraries and/or the InterNet allow us to discover what really
: happened in any given era, with relative ease. Apart from who really
: killed JFK, of course...............

Oh that's easy. The History Channel sank to a new low by regurgitating some crap ABC did last year with Peter Jennings. Lee H
Oswald did it all by his itty bitty self. See; don't question anything. Just accept what you are told. That's the corporate
mantra. Wait; isn't that a key piece of a fascistic state?

Hey, asshole - YOU LOST. Get over it.


I. P. Freely wrote:

(conspiratorial mania from the leftist fever-swamp)

On Mon, 08 Nov 2004 07:24:38 GMT, Lord Valve <[email protected]>

>> Does Iraq look like a success
>> to anyone?

Halliburton execs, Al Qaeda recruitment offices and Allawi.
There's no way to delay that trouble comin' everyday
On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 09:01:39 -0700, "I. P. Freely" <****[email protected]>

>: Indeed yes, a lesson learned very well by Stalin! However, good
>: libraries and/or the InterNet allow us to discover what really
>: happened in any given era, with relative ease. Apart from who really
>: killed JFK, of course...............
>Oh that's easy. The History Channel sank to a new low by regurgitating some crap ABC did last year with Peter Jennings. Lee H
>Oswald did it all by his itty bitty self. See; don't question anything. Just accept what you are told. That's the corporate
>mantra. Wait; isn't that a key piece of a fascistic state?

Ah yes, the fascists. Extreme right wing and very religious. Hmmmmm,
sounds familiar.....................

Stewart Pinkerton | Music is Art - Audio is Engineering