On Tue, 16 Nov 2004 15:01:31 -0800, "Boffer"
[email protected]> wrote:
>>>> >
>>>> > Redneck morons like you deserve to be right in the front line when all
>>>> > this strutting comes home to roost.
>>>> Tell you what, why don't you sit down with the terrorists and try and
>>>> explain your point of view. I'm sure they'll be more than happy to
>>>> listen to
>>>> you, just before they hack your head off with kitchen knife. Like your
>>>> countryman that was slaughtered trying to help rebuild their country.
>>>> Take a
>>>> good look at the world around you.
>> Unlike most Yanks, we do take a good look at the world around us. Ever
>> been out of the continental USA? Ever been out of State? Ever been out
>> of Hazzard County?
>Actually I've never been to Hazzard county and since there hasn't been
>combat on U.S. soil in over 100 years the answer would be yes, I have been
>out of the U.S. I've spent time in the U.K, France, Germany and Italy. I
>found most of the people there friendly and intelligent. I've also spent
>time in Asia, South America and parts of the Middle east. When was the last
>time you ventured out of your hole?
June 2004, we go abroad at least twice a year, one Europe and one long
haul, plus the odd long weekend to Paris Rome or Barcelona. I've also
worked in Hong Kong, California, Texas, Massachusetts, and Ontario. I
found the people mostly friendly and intelligent, except for
California, which I'm not sure is actually connected to planet Earth.
>>>>There are approx.15 Muslim involved armed
>>>> conflicts going on around the world. That have nothing to do with the
>>>> U.S,
>>>> Israel or the lack a Palestinian homeland. The conflicts are all
>>>> Muslim's
>>>> that can't get along with their neighbors.Why? Because their neighbors
>>>> aren't Muslim. The "fundamentalist Muslims" have an agenda and its
>>>> simple
>>>> "Kill or Convert the infidels."
>> Not readily distinguishable from Bush policy these days - especially
>> now that the only sane man in the White House has been forced out.
>To date we have never televised the decapitation of any prisoner.
But you have just televised the shooting of an unarmed and wounded
prisoner in a mosque, by one of your brave Marines.
>I suppose
>you are going to disregard the 50 or so Muslim involved armed conflicts that
>occurred during the Clinton administration that also had nothing to do with
>the U.S. or Israel. The sane man wasn't forced out of the White House he was
>re-elected. If you are referring to Kerry, that lying coward was never in
>the White House. Just facts not inflamation. We just got the news that a
>female British care worker has been murdered by the vermon you are
>defending. My prayers go to her family. I'll pay your fare to Iraq so you
>can negotiate with these noble freedom fighters. Perhaps you'll fair better
>than that poor lady.
I'm referring to Colin Powell, you moron. Now you have a sycophantic
hawk bitch with no military experience backing up the fundamentalist
religious nutjob that you clowns put back in the Oval Office.
>>>> Like it or not that includes you unless you
>>>> are one of them already. They are no better than the Nazi's and no more
>>>> noble than a rabid dog. As to being on the front line, been there, done
>>>> that, got the shrapnel.
>> In the back, no doubt...............
>>>> Beer and a body count.. HOOO-YAH!!
>> You'd **** yourself if faced with a real enemy, you redneck bag of
>> wind and ****.
>Careful Pinky, your limited vocabulary and intellect are showing.
I'm holding it down to a level you just might understand.
> I've said
>nothing to inpune your integrity or character. But, typical of anti-American
>pacifists when they can't argue facts, they resort to personal attacks. Yes
>the shrapnel is in my back, both legs, left arm and left side of my face. I
>recieved them performing CPR on a fallen soldier during a mortar attack.
Fair enough, comment withdrawn. BTW, I'm not 'anti-American', I'm anti
what America is doing in the world. Most of the individual Americans I
know are fine guys, if a little hazy about what goes on in the rest of
the world.
> As
>for facing a real enemy, let's see how long your peace loving panties stay
>clean in a firefight. Sorry, I guess I missed your post about your military
Northern Ireland. Messy business, bloody stupid, never will be
resolved. Our VietNam, but hopefully we learned lessons there, America
still thinks that bully-boy tactics, and supporting Israeli oppression
of its own non-Jewish citizens, are a good way to reduce the number
of anti-American terrorists. Duh...................
>>>The nasty ****ers are killing Buddhists in Thailand.
>>>Nary a Jew nor an American in sight, but then - they
>>>gotta kill *somebody*, right? Clueless ****s like
>>>Pinky won't wake up until they're issued a prayer
>>>rug and ordered to use it - or die. By then, it'll
>>>be too late. And, of course, the citizenry has
>>>no guns in the UK, so Pinky's ass'll be in the
>>>air five times a day as required.
>> Nope, because we're not trying to rip off everyone's oil, like you
>> dumbphukkes do with the use of 'overwhelming force'. And it does of
>> course have to *be* overwhelming force, because your troops are so
>> useless. Noted that 800 Black Watch replaced 4,000 US Marines.
>Well, here we are again with the personal attacks. BTW Pinky "dumbphukkes"
>should be 2 words. There is no H and only 1 K. (Sorry, just found the
>misspelling ironic)
You mean, like mutha****a?
> You know with all the oil we're ripping off you'd think
>the price of gas would come down.#
It *is* down in the US, has been for decades, so you can keep running
those pickups..............
> I guess you're just a little ****y because
>Saddam screwed you and the rest of the U.N. in the Food For Oil deal. It
>doesn't have to *be* overwhelming force that's just the tactics used in this
>campaign. If you recall it was a bunch backwoods farmers that bested your
>overwhelming forces in a little skirmish in the 1700s. As to your 800 Black
>Watch, I'd love to buy them a pint. Nice to know some Brits have the guts to
>fight. Of course Pinky you fail to mention that the Black Watch is an elite
>unit. Better trained and equipped that the average "ass in the grass"
>Marine. So a 5 to1 ratio of soldiers trained in special warfare to line
>soldiers is not abnormal.
Hmmm, I thought the USMC was supposed to be an elite force? The Black
Watch is not any kind of 'Special Forces' unit, it's simply one of the
fine Highland Regiments that are the backbone of the UK fighting
forces. Of course, as a Scot, I would say that!
>>>I'll take my chances in the good ol' USA, and
>>>whining commie ****s like Pinky can ****ing
>>>go fish.
>Amen Brother
>> Yeah, like most of your kin, you're too scared to venture abroad. In
>> fact, you probably don't even venture any further than a tank of gas
>> will take you in your stupid pickup truck. Lemme guess - rifle rack?
>I can't argue this one, you got me. Seems like everytime we do venture out
>some backwards country wants us to give them foreign aide, solve their
>conflict, feed their hungry, educate their illiterate, arm and train their
>military etc. So yes, I'll stay here in the U.S. drive my big gas guzzling
>4x4 complete with a rifle rack and American flag, and keep my dirty U.S.
>dollars here.
Thought so. Watch out for them Ayrabs, dude, they're a comin' to git
Stewart Pinkerton | Music is Art - Audio is Engineering