Hello everyone, just joined the forum today, specifically for some security advice
My old 90 was stolen, I got it back and quickly installed the X-Eng pedal lock, column lock and gear stick lock... It was parked across the road from my house, they cut through the steering wheel lock and rolled it away, out the village and then took it to a lock up near Sunderland. The police found it, took 3 months to get it back, they'd not had chance to do much damage, just annoying stuff like ripping the door seals off, took the CB radio, left the winch and everything else - took my curly wurlys from the cubby! &%$£$%@£
To cut a very long story short, i've recently lost my 90 to the ex, who kindly took it along with one of my dogs when he left, so instead of paying for a wedding i'm treating myself to a brand new 90. It wont be ready until October, but already having one stolen I want to be prepared to get this one kitted out the day it lands in my possession!
The X-Eng stuff was/is great, couldn't fault it. I was all set to get the pedal plate, but i've been made aware they don't fit the 2014 defender... Does anyone know if the 'ardcase will fit? If i can squeeze it on my driveway I will but it's really tight... so might have to be over the street, which is also narrow - quite liking the baby monitor idea! my dog barks her head off if anyone walks past the house after 11pm so she's definitely bark at any noise picked up...
Also keen on a secondary alarm, and have been reading about Skytag trackers... any good or waste of money?
It might not be possible for me to get it in my driveway, i've very aware of keeping wheels turned, parking as close as I can to the neighbours car, having visible deterrents etc - I just don't want to lose this one, it was heart breaking, and this one is instead of a husband so could do it sticking around