Does it come on to give you impression your going really fast?
Or are you going really fast and it's not the fan coming on??

I am now feeling really stupid and now and after this post I will go and sit in a corner for a while in shame!
My blower was trash so replaced it, but my confidence in electrics is zero. So when the new Item arrived with different plug and wire colour I wired it up to whatever logic I had at the time. The blower only worked on number three setting. And appeared to come on at a faster speed when I put the engine under load. After alot of reading I found a second resistor under the decker panel, as discussed above. This resistor was visably shagged so replaced it. Only to find that the noise was still there when driving with engine under load.
I assumed that this was some mistake I had made with the wiring and that when the revs got high it sent too much voltage to the blower making it spin faster than normal. With my indicator blowing a new bulb everytime I tested the RR and my inability to understand electrics I felt this verified my theory.
I tried messing around and re testing wires etc. Before deciding that as I desperatly need the car I would just unwire the blower and deal with it another day.
But on the next drive the noise appeared again as soon as I hit the slope on the road.
Totally stumped I explained all to the wife, and asked her to sit in the passenger seat and try to work out what the hell the noise was as the blower is not wired and I couldnt do it while driving.
Turns out it was a hole in the passenger footwell where the air con hoses used to be. It only makes a noise when climbing up hill above 20 mph. But sounds exactly like a blower on high speed. My lack of faith in my ability to do wiring had led me to assume I messed up somewhere. If I hadnt just replaced the blower I probably would have found the real problem straight away.
So heater now works on all speeds. I feel like a complete ****. And now have to find out why my indicator bulb keeps blowing.
Thanks for the help guys!