Minescoming up to about 58k on the clock too, not sure what to do about the VCU coz Im skint innit!?
Theres some tests you can do on the VCU thread that tell if youre VCU is knackered/on its last legs, personally I reckon weekly checks and as long as its ok no need to replace it, if it aint broke dont fix it right? Then on the first signs of it going, get it changed. I gotta do the cambelt too around those kinda miles too right? And Ive got the 1.8 k series petrol, so probably worth checking the head gasket too, eurgh...
I dont trust my mechanical skills enough to change the cam belt or VCU myself, been quoted about £400 for a cambelt change... that seems bloody extortionate, my last car only cost £180 for a cam belt & water pump change! God knows how much a VCU change would cost from a garage!