Prop / UJ

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Under my landy


I knew something was knocking so went under the landy a few weeks ago and found the front prop had a bit of play in it... ahh i thought and continued on my way.

Was then under the landy a few days ago adjusting the hand brake before the MOT and noticed the rear UJ was...well f**ked!

Stripped it off and realised the rear prop is also knackered (annoyingly after going and buying the new UJ's)

My question - what is the U shaped thing (i'd call it a flange but think this might be something else) which the UJ fits into and bolts onto the diff. called? I had a look on Paddocks but couldn't see them.
It was still attached and still working when i noticed it... That's better than most of the problems i have with it!
ah ok, so when you buy a new prop it comes with the UJ's already in it and the thingys attached?
600656 is the part number of the bit you need - but a new prop shaft is easier!
New props for Series are so cheap, it's not worth the aggro of changing the UJ's, I just buy a new one.

This is what I did to the last one:

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I keep a spare front and rear prop and when the uj's start to wear I just swap the props over,once the knackered prop is off I replace the uj's ready to go back on the landy the next time. ;)
You need to grease them more often,eggspecially after going through mud and water, it flushes them

which is pretty much all i do with it!

I keep very close tabs on the enigne, but, seem to neglect over key components of the vehicle.

I need to get my head around CV / Swivvle housing next, i know they need some tlc.

I personally don't see prop's as cheap (about £60) - but in this particular case it does need replacing.
Do you throw the wheel away when you get a puncture as well? :rolleyes:

Possibly, where I get my tyres from they sell rims for £20 and if bought with the tyres are fitted free. if you've got your own rims, they charge for fitting.

Difference is about £30 between a new prop and buying a set of UJ's. £30 to me is not worth the time spent in changing the UJ's, plus slider will be new too.
Worth a note here aswell Paddocks cheap propshafts well the ones I have had from them usually have the nice blue slider joints have nowhere near the same ammount of deflection or angle before they bind up. Recently well a few months back put an original 1962 propshaft vs a new paddocks £40 special and it was quite surprising the difference. Cheapo props have very thick walled yokes which bind up at far less an angle than old Original Parts.

Series IIa with parabolics and all new gearbox mounts with procomp plus 2 shocks (2 inch extra droop) the cheap propshafts bind up before full droop. Not good and it will rip aopart and spit your propshaft out in a heartbeat when the axle drops fully.

Me I'd spend 20 mins changing the UJ's out than buy new unless the slider or intenal splines have had it. Because I know that mine do not foul up or bind aswell as I'm a tight git!
Thanks... it was a Paddocks special... it will, however, do for the interim until i have time to re-build the old one / find a better supplier
Hey Bump when it comes to swaping them over offer them both up together and see if you find any difference yourself I wouldn't mind betting the original (unless replaced before your ownership) will have loads more free movement that the paddocks one.
ust looking at them you get the impression the paddocks one is more bulky and therefore will have less movement - but i'll do some experiments and take some photos and get back to you... just don't expect anything too soon, 3 cars on the 'to fix' list at present :/
No worries Bump,

I have a front drive to lay blocks, a back garden to block/gravel dig up. A 90 to get back to being more roady well more comfy, difflock to fit give it a good going over and an 80 inch series 1 to get back together with a 90 axle which needs rebuilding and converting list is endless! Had a week off work and i've just managed to get rid of dirt from the front driveway and still have some to go.

Busy as at the moment. The dark nights are closing in working at home is good as you can do some after work but means I gotta build a garage or take the motor elsewhere to work on.

So I know where your coming from.

Just be interseting to have a pic I maywell have one off in a few weeks meself to compare.

You need to grease them more often,eggspecially after going through mud and water, it flushes them

Yep agree totally, do mine as part of the monthly maintenance along with brake drums etc, its a 2 minute job and they last for years if looked after, judging by the state of the caps in the pic its not seen grease in many a year

I use copperslip in the prop UJ's and graphite in the sliding joint, you need to learn what your Landy 'sounds like' if you'd caught it at the point when it was still only clicking you could have pumped it full of grease and got a lot more life out of it..

Count yourself lucky Ive seen the results of a UJ snapping because the owner ignored it for a couple of weeks and it nearly killed him when it gave out at the axle end and dug in the motorway at 70mph... makes a hell of a mess even if the other end gives out.

Cheers Steve