Finished today off by fitting the new steering arms and fitting the disco drop arm not finished yet as i need to liberate a lock washer, got steering tho so makes shifting it around the garage a damn site easier.
just a few quick pics of todays and yesterday evenings work,
engine shot (hard to capture a running engine)
wired in the kenlowe the wiring will be tidied up and tucked away once the wings are fitted.

on the subject of fans it has a adjuster to set the temperature that the fan kicks in at what would this be on a 300 Tdi?
Makes shift fuel lines, still not received the pipes I've ordered, so knocked some together to test the engine.
thats todays good points now the inevitable bad ones,
1 the engine starts on the key now theres some charge in the battery but it continues to run when the key is turned off and has to be stopped on the solenoid, anyone recommend a fix for this ? (i guess its something to do with the different ignition barrels I'm using.
2 think i may have fried the power steering pump, ran the engine for quite a while before realising theres no steering fluid in it. topped it up bled the system and it works fine apart from a noise at full lock? is this normal been over a year since it last ran and that was the 19J so can't remember if there was any noise.
some advice would be great to top off whats been in my eyes anyway, a pretty monumental day in the Resto/rebuild :tea: Sam