Back when I was 15 years old, the ink on my learners permit as wet as the back of my ears.
I believe the saying is, "young, Dumb, and Full of Cum" I am sure a few of you can remember back
that far. wanting to is another story
I wandered into a junkyard and fell in love with a Bright yellow '74 Porsche Targa.
Obviously there was a reason it was in a junkyard. But you can't tell a 15 year old kid anything
so they happily took six months of my savings. I fixed the tires good enough to roll and dragged
it 4 miles back to my house with my friends '73 monte carlo and in the barn it went.
While it wasn't all that bad looking from the top, it had little frame left to speak of, it didn't start out with a whole lot to begin with. it didn't have much floor either.
But in a few weeks I got it running and did a pretty pathetic job compared to my current standards welding a floor made from another cars hood (bonnet) and several bed frames into it
with my grandfather's old Lincoln arc welder. I didn't even know what a mig was then,
Talk about some dodgy welding
I drove the **** out of that car for the next three months
on dirt back roads that were very abundant in the area of southwest New York I was living in at the time. Til it broke in half one fateful night. and back to the scrapyard it went. he even gave me half my money back.
The first in a long career of bodges, That was in fact the beginning the the path that led me here to this fine forum.