Pollen filter link to failing Blend Motor?

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New Member
Afternoon everyone,

Just been reading about pollen filters and how ones that aren't replaced can contribute to blend motors failing. My question isn't that because i changed my filters 6 months ago and they were done during a service last week also.....but a few days after service i get the HEVAC symbol and the right side air is warm only. The symbol has gone on and off but is now permanently on.

Is it possible the tube where the pollen filters are has a foreign body in it such as leaves or something the mechanic may have dropped in, would that cause these symptoms. If so i'll get the torch out tonight and have a good look around as much as i can. Other than looking down the tube from the engine bay is there a way to look up?
I would assume you have to get to the matrix to find the end of the air duct. Thats not a bad idea though as if something does enter the duct in removing the filter it could losge itself. how about a suck out with a hoover nozzle?
Having just removed leaves from my blowers recently -


I can see how accummulated debris can make its way along the duct from the blower to the blend motors. It wouldn't take much to get caught and obstruct the free movement of the blend motor. If you remove the panel above the pollen filter (see link above) you will easily manage to get a flexible hoover pipe right along the duct (with a bit of twiddling having removed the blower motor)
Had a go with the hoover last night and the parts i could get to didn't appear too dirty and no debris to speak of although i haven't had time to take the panel off as suggested above. No change to HEVAC symbol anyhow.

Thanks for suggestions.