You are of course, welcome to your opinion
- however incorrect and misleading, (and biased) it may be.
And sorry to be the bearer of bad news - but - err - let me put this really simply for you.
As a really good example ! ---ANY person offering this statement on ANY website promoting their services is totally lying through their teeth, misleading the public and does not have any real clue as to what they are talking about - period.
From the following website (which may)
- or -err not
be you...
then...the following statement
- Economy Remap (This option will DOUBLE your MPG, saving not just Fuel but also £££'s on fuel)
Is absolutely, utterly, lying BU!!SH!T and total BO!!OX- you could even be taken to court under the trade descriptions act. (and should be!)
It is probably THE WORST example of blatant SCAMMING of the public that I have personally EVER seen on a so called tuning website in the UK - especially if promoted on this respected forum.! It is a disgrace to the intelligence of users and clients.
Totally unbelievable and absolute garbage.
Maybe that is not you ???? who knows
But, if not - - a simple question ?
do you agree with that laughable statement ?
Also, - just a point -- one -
Extinguishes a MIL light - not -