Please help, more issues today!!!

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New Member
1994 Range Rover Classic Vogue Manual LPG.

On a trip to Shrewsbury today, i ran out of LPG and switched to Petrol, no probs (but what a power difference i thought i was in a new car). Anyway found a station gassed up and switched back no probs!

Now for the problem! I was coming back to brum, got onto the M54 and was doing 75 just nicely, next minute a judder, then a massive bang from the exhaust. I thought misfire and switched back to petrol for the rest of the journey.

Now 1) i have found the LPG too slow, it was far behind the performance when on petrol.

2) Misfire? Why the big bang?

3) When i accelerate or take my foot off the pedal, the car judders and whines like when your in a gear too high for that slow speed. Is my gearbox shot, is my clutch going? Help, please i've had the car 4 days from ebay!

4) Any advice or if you know any LPG specialists in the Midlands.
Rangy’s be it 3.5 or 3.9 v8. The ignition timing being correct is crucial to avoid backfire, if a backfire does occur more often than not the backfire will blow off air pipes connected to the plenum and may also blow the main air intake pipe off, a backfire may also be caused by a leaking or split air pipe. You should have a flapper inline between the plenum and the airflow meter; this flapper will help to stop a major backfire causing irreparable damage to the air flow meter.
I would check
All air pipes for leaks
Distributor for ware
Rotor arm
Dizzy cap
Strength of ignition spark
Plugs and leads, you can check for arc from leads when dark just lift the bonnet same for dizzy cap, any visible sparks form either replace
As you said your rangy has backfire already you will probably find air pipes off, when running properly you shouldn’t find a tremendous amount of difference in power really.