Pilot green fuel economy

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New Member
Just purchased a 90 Pick-up 300 TDI P reg. I had a pilot green thingy that comprised two half tube magnets that came together around the diesel fuel pipe. On the Nissan D21 I had no problem finding the fuel line before the block. Can't seem to find a place for the LandRover. This gadget worked well on the Nissan so I want to use it on the 90. Anyone got ideas on where to place it?

Apparantly the two magnets line up the diesel (or petrol) molecules and cleans jets etc and makes for better economy and performance. I sound like a pilot green salesman!

many thanks

I've got one on my cold water supply to my house. It's called a scale inhibitor, in areas with hard water and where limescale is a problem a scale inhibitor can be fitted to the cold water supply, which reduces the amount of limescale deposited in your water heaters and any areas that have standing water. They work by altering the molecular structure of the particles by using a magetic field. The particles are changed in such a fashion that they loose there abilty to "cling" to each other and other objects, and so flow harmlessly away. I've had one fitted for several months and haven't noticed a ha'porth of difference, but the chemical equasions prove that they must work, the only saving grace is that I got it for nothing, free, it didn't cost me a penny. Now then if you don't want the bother of cleaning limescale of the inside of your injectors or pump every thursday before you do the hoovering, it might be worthwhile investing in one of these gizmo's, otherwise i'd treat them for what they are. A complete and utter load of ****ing money wasting rip off crap. But then who am I to judge I like hard water I do.
i could sell you a small plastic device which will remove harmful particles in your fuel, thereby ensureing you other fuelline components will last longer. this device has been hailed as a breakthrough in effiecent fuel management and is likey to be seen on most veehickle in the future.
buy yours now before stock are gone

only £650.35 + £75.21 p+p

from The Fuel Filter co
crapinthetank lane

vat will be added to the cost

eh! i have no connection with them and i havn't even bought one
correct. absolute bollocks. all of em.
save your money, send it to me for my flying fund.