Also if we hadn't already lost so many lanes, then those lanes that remain would not be so highly trafficked as there would be far more lanes and the presence of the 4x4's would be more diluted across them. By closing more lanes, all it is doing is cramming more and more vehicles onto those few lanes that remain open.....
Like every bloody law that get passed, they never properly consider the knock on effect.
They cannot simply close lanes and expect it to be reet, cos then another vulnerable lane gets overused and ****ed.
It's a sorry state of affairs in a modern society with no common sense.
What gets me is that you take any man or woman and talk to them, and they're probably rather sensible/clever. However, put a few of them together, particularly in the national parks and youve got a complete lack of competance.
Take the lakes for instance. The LDNPA decided to put a 10 mph speed limit on Windermere in 2000, which was to come into effect March 2005. There was some guff about water erosion and all the noise from the boats.
Basically, wtf. We boated on that lake for 14 years and it was exactly the same the day we left as the day we first went.
There are numerous lakes in the lake district, Windermere being the largest and the one that developed **** LOADS of revenue for the councils, hundreds of thousands per annum in boat licences, launching fees, and all the money people spent up there. The place was booming, everyone happy, except the bobblies who wanted to claim the only remaining unrestricted lake for themselves.
There was lots more lakes to walk around, now there is another one but the towns around the lake are like ghost towns. No money left cos walkers eat sandwiches, waterskiers drink beer.
It's just the same old things every time - someone mentions it, once the ball is rolling it is impossible to overturn it, because no-one gives a **** about the things with engines in and they don't actually realise what a mess it will make if they keep closing recreational areas down!