ieuandavies the finish you got with a roller is really good, you must of spent days on prep, what paint did you use?
ye its ok, the beauty of it is that you dont have to spend hours cleaning spray guns and masking everything off, especially if your working inside because the paint dust gets everywere!
what i did was rub the panel/panels down in the evening, using water with wet and dry paper,
so then in the morning the panel was completely dry, because the last thing you want is a wet panels to put paint on,
then i sprayed etch on areas that had gone through to the aluminium, wait for 30 mins for that to flash off (do any other panels that need doing)
then a coat of grey high build primer, leave it and go and do something else, (have lunch
) , the grey primer doesnt take long to dry at all though, then just use a gloss roller, (the sponge one, i didnt know that untill johny told me
) i bought a few from toolstation the really cheap ones, so then i just threw the roller away
as you put the paint on, you have to keep rolling over the panel but putting no pressure on the roller, this pops the majority of the bubbles (there will be loads and it will look awful) you must get rid of most of the bubbles whilst the paint is still wet, if it gets tacky you need to leave it, the paint does settle on its own anyway and the little bubbles burst on their own, then leave it overnight again,
if its warm were you are working then paint should be touch dry in around 12-14 hours i found, but i did the first panels for mine over christmas, it took about 30 hours to be touch dry!
i used this paint, its very good to be fair, easy to put on and kind of self levels and sorts itself out
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i bought a five litre tin, did the whole landy and still have at least a 1/3 of a tin left