i couldnt get my blow torch down towards the nut.. rip...
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@Flossie gave me an idea, to use the flat end on the outer side of all the bolts, then levering/resting it towards the tensioner.
Or will this result in me 100% needing a new tensioner bracket? the roundy fat thing looks sturdy ay?
Im really dumb founded how this viscous fan wont come off. It has soaked in penetrating and rust dissolver fluids for days!
May i just need a more heavier 32mm spanner?? I mean, the one i've got is fairly light. Stupid me buying from fleebay??
Gosh, this fan has been the hardest problem i've faced on this range rover, and it is quite making me mad now that it slowly is crawling winter time
I tried with an adjustable already, a fairly heavy one, but as someone said it just absorbs the shock i guess? as it just adjust itself out abit?
I ain't got a welder so can't weld it shut either, but gosh that would fit great.
I obviously want to fix it up fast and drive it

Gotta have it easy in the winter