[OT] animals 1, Irwin nil.

  • Thread starter Austin Shackles
  • Start date
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Austin Shackles


I see Steve Irwin has wound up his last wild creature.

RiP. The world will be the poorer.

Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
"Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose"
Alphonse Karr (1808 - 1890) Les Guêpes, Jan 1849
On Mon, 04 Sep 2006 14:42:15 +0100, Austin Shackles
<[email protected]> wrote:

>RiP. The world will be the poorer.


I'm surprisingly gutted by the news.

Whilst I am dimly aware there are those who objected to his methods
and presenting style, I don't think anyone can doubt his devotion,
energy and enthusiasm for all forms of conservation and wildlife.

Sad day.

Austin Shackles <[email protected]> uttered summat worrerz
funny about:
> I see Steve Irwin has wound up his last wild creature.
> RiP. The world will be the poorer.

Yeah, the bloke was mad as a fish but hope that his passing was instant and
without suffering, at least he was doing what he does best at the time.

For those wondering Steve Irwin is the block from Croc Hunter / Files. The
Ozzy with a croc. Stingray got the better of him whilst filming a
documentary, though Steve did sail close to the wind on many many occasions.

May he RIP and his family go on to uphold Steves love of nature and bringit
to our livingrooms.

Lee D


Real shame, the number of times i've thought about it today. When Diana
died i couldn't work out what the fuss was, as all she did was flounce
around trying to **** the royal; family off.

Steve Irwin, what a top bloke, who actually went out there and did
stuff, full on.



Have to agree with everything said, he was a top bloke, I used to love watching his stuff, what a life though eh? he did what he loved doing, but it's sad for his family and his kids who are so young and'll never get to know their Dad.
On Mon, 04 Sep 2006 14:42:15 +0100, Austin Shackles
<[email protected]> scribbled the following nonsense:

>I see Steve Irwin has wound up his last wild creature.
>RiP. The world will be the poorer.

bugger, did love his mad antics though, someone did a ****take of him
searching for BinLadens a while back which made me laugh!! Just got
to find it, have it saved somewhere as an mp3

Simon Isaacs

"Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote"
George Jean Nathan (1882-1955)

ROT13 me....
On or around Mon, 4 Sep 2006 15:31:25 +0100, "Lee_D"
<[email protected]> enlightened us thusly:

>Austin Shackles <[email protected]> uttered summat worrerz
>funny about:
>> I see Steve Irwin has wound up his last wild creature.
>> RiP. The world will be the poorer.

>Yeah, the bloke was mad as a fish but hope that his passing was instant and
>without suffering, at least he was doing what he does best at the time.
>For those wondering Steve Irwin is the block from Croc Hunter / Files. The
>Ozzy with a croc. Stingray got the better of him whilst filming a
>documentary, though Steve did sail close to the wind on many many occasions.

speared through the heart by a stingray might not be instant, but I doubt it
took long.
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
"You praise the firm restraint with which they write -_
I'm with you there, of course: They use the snaffle and the bit
alright, but where's the bloody horse? - Roy Campbell (1902-1957)
On 4 Sep 2006 08:23:57 -0700, Dave R wrote:

> Real shame, the number of times i've thought about it today. When Diana
> died i couldn't work out what the fuss was, as all she did was flounce
> around trying to **** the royal; family off.

Did an awful lot for landmine clearance and shattered few tabloid myths
regarding AIDS. Though I must admit the national response to her death
was a bit OTT IMHO. The death of Ronnie Barker on the other hand...

> Steve Irwin, what a top bloke, who actually went out there and did
> stuff, full on.

Steve who? The clips I've seen he's just a tosser exploiting animals to
make himself a tidy bob or two.

Cheers [email protected]
Dave. pam is missing e-mail

On 2006-09-04, Dave Liquorice <[email protected]> wrote:

> Steve who? The clips I've seen he's just a tosser exploiting animals to
> make himself a tidy bob or two.

I never really liked his programmes either although it's a shame when
anyone gets killed way before their time.

Doesn't stop the gags though;


Blast off and strike the evil Bydo empire!
"Dave Liquorice" <[email protected]> wrote in message

> Steve who? The clips I've seen he's just a tosser exploiting animals to
> make himself a tidy bob or two.

He also seems to have taken lessons about how to handle his baby from
Michael Jackson!


Dave Liquorice wrote:
> On 4 Sep 2006 08:23:57 -0700, Dave R wrote:
> > Real shame, the number of times i've thought about it today. When Diana
> > died i couldn't work out what the fuss was, as all she did was flounce
> > around trying to **** the royal; family off.

> Did an awful lot for landmine clearance and shattered few tabloid myths
> regarding AIDS. Though I must admit the national response to her death
> was a bit OTT IMHO. The death of Ronnie Barker on the other hand...
> > Steve Irwin, what a top bloke, who actually went out there and did
> > stuff, full on.

> Steve who? The clips I've seen he's just a tosser exploiting animals to
> make himself a tidy bob or two.
> --
> Cheers [email protected]
> Dave. pam is missing e-mail

You could argue that Diana made more than a tidy Bob or two exploiting
the British public in general.

The victims of Land Mines have my full sympathy but I think she could
have done alot more for mine clearance, like jumping one, just my

I think that Steve Irwin did alot more than just jump on a couple of
crocs if you read around abit.


P.S. Fully agree with you about Ronnie Barker though.............

> bugger, did love his mad antics though, someone did a ****take of him
> searching for BinLadens a while back which made me laugh!! Just got
> to find it, have it saved somewhere as an mp3

Oh please post a link to that one Simon!

On Mon, 04 Sep 2006 14:42:15 +0100, Austin Shackles
<[email protected]> scribbled the following nonsense:

>I see Steve Irwin has wound up his last wild creature.
>RiP. The world will be the poorer.

An update here!!


Simon Isaacs

"Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote"
George Jean Nathan (1882-1955)

ROT13 me....
When I first saw this guy - I thought "What a nutter" - then I started to
see what a skill he had in his methods of presentation which, whilst not
perhaps agreeing with everyone's taste, were bound to keep you focused on
his programme in case you missed something. He is like another "Fred
Dibnah" http://www.fred-dibnah.co.uk/biog.htm if you dont know who I mean
who had an altogether different style of keeping the audience "tuned" but in
some ways, they were similar.

Can you imagine the scene in heaven if the two of em meet?

God rest both their souls and may I particularly extend my condolences to
Steve Irwin's family.


David J. Button
"Simon Isaacs" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 04 Sep 2006 14:42:15 +0100, Austin Shackles
> <[email protected]> scribbled the following nonsense:
>>I see Steve Irwin has wound up his last wild creature.
>>RiP. The world will be the poorer.

> An update here!!
> http://tinyurl.com/ot5bm
> --
> Simon Isaacs
> "Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote"
> George Jean Nathan (1882-1955)
> ROT13 me....

Dave Liquorice said:
On 4 Sep 2006 08:23:57 -0700, Dave R wrote:


Steve who? The clips I've seen he's just a tosser exploiting animals to
make himself a tidy bob or two.

Cheers [email protected]
Dave. pam is missing e-mail
i think you need to research a bit before you start calling anyone a tosser.. ya tosser

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