Evening all, I wish to speak of oil seals, freewheeling hubs and confusion for Tonk. 88" Series 2.
I have leaks on the rear offside hub and offside fwh.
I've looked on various forums and am now confused on two fronts. Looking at Paddock for the rear hub kit it says for part number RTC3534 here: http://www.paddockspares.com/rtc3534-hub-bearing-kit.html
'This is the type with a different inner and outer bearing.'
How can I tell whether I have a different inner and outer bearing? This is obviously important but without stripping it down, how do you know?
And on the FWH, there appears to be a leak, they are AVM, the service packs say 10 or 24 spline, again, how can I tell, and with regard to the fwh, I read varying things about servicing them from just replace the bolts to strip it down and replace gaskets etc, this pack here suggesting the latter: https://tinyurl.com/ybys4lmc
And while the various hubs are in bits, is it like brakes etc, ie should I do both sides at the same time?
Grateful for help/advice as ever.
I have leaks on the rear offside hub and offside fwh.
I've looked on various forums and am now confused on two fronts. Looking at Paddock for the rear hub kit it says for part number RTC3534 here: http://www.paddockspares.com/rtc3534-hub-bearing-kit.html

'This is the type with a different inner and outer bearing.'
How can I tell whether I have a different inner and outer bearing? This is obviously important but without stripping it down, how do you know?
And on the FWH, there appears to be a leak, they are AVM, the service packs say 10 or 24 spline, again, how can I tell, and with regard to the fwh, I read varying things about servicing them from just replace the bolts to strip it down and replace gaskets etc, this pack here suggesting the latter: https://tinyurl.com/ybys4lmc

And while the various hubs are in bits, is it like brakes etc, ie should I do both sides at the same time?
Grateful for help/advice as ever.