It keeps accelerating but it develops a nasty sound. I guess that could be a missfire, but it's quite violent. Nothing like the little puffy missfires it does at idle. I've heard it twice and backed off pretty quickly, I didn't really have a good listen. It was a kind of rapping, popping banging noise. Much less regular than the engine RPM.
The Dizzy cap has seen better days. It's not corroded, but it's a bit pitted. It does probably need to be replaced, no cracks though. Points are bang on, checked them three times now, set to 0.14. New points and rotor fitted when I took the dizzy apart. Carbon brush is fine. Overall the cap could probably do with being replaced but I don't think it's terminal. I'll change it when I'm feeling a bit more flush.
It did hit 60MPH before, without pinking at that speed. It did pink at full pedal in third and half pedal in 4th, but not when it had reached full cruising speed. Admittedly you can't really hear much of anything apart from the gearbox at 60MPH, but it seemed fine.
The more I think about it the more I think it just needs the advance springs replaced. The car's 30 years old, and the dizzy looks every bit that age. I bet it still has the springs it was fitted with in 1980. They don't seem spendy to replace so I'll have a shot at that next. Maybe it'll let me advance it a touch more without pinking in high gear.
I don't think the garage did much to it really. They haven't sent me an invoice yet. I think they just gave it to the trainees so they could have a play with it.