Oil in rear hub cap

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Land Raver

Well-Known Member
In the dog house
I noticed one of my rear hub caps had some oil in it. I assume a seal has gone. There is no oil on the inner wheel or sign of any oil anwhere else it shouldn't.

It's a 1981 80" and I'm sure its a rover axle. I'm looking to fix it next weekend and want to order spare parts - assuming seal(s) etc asap.

Now the old girl has had several owners so I guess it would be sensible to order older model type seals / bits as well as newer series 3 type to be sure. Where should I order from (avoid Britpart??) and what parts should I order?

I would rather order extra bits which I may not need as i'm trying to build up a bit of a spares / repairs box too.

Any suggestion pls? :)
Might be better to sprip it first find out what you need a use a local landy spares to buy or a least order in person if it is older hub it might be any old parts fitted!
Thanks, but am I right in thinking oil should not be in the cap? the other hub caps are bone dry and I 'think' there is a seal just behind the split pin nut washer to stop this? Felt or rubber seal perhaps? Can anyone confirm please? Thanks
It's a felt washer - you have the older driveshafts. A little oil leakage isn't a problem here, but you can replace the washer and check the nut is tight enough if you want. The time to worry is when the hub seal goes and dumps oil all over the brakes......
Thanks, I've been trying to figure out what design my hubs really should be on a 1981 model. Haynes manual is very vague about the whole thing!
So what period had the felt washer? I thought it was the earlier ones which didn't have this? Just curious now!
Of course, with the interchangability of series landrover parts you can have a totally mixed bag of ages of component.
Of course, with the interchangability of series landrover parts you can have a totally mixed bag of ages of component.

I guess so. It makes it a bit of a game though when trying to order 'hidden' parts like hub assembly bits without an initial 'pull things apart' session. :)
I think i've well covered myself by ordering a selection of bits for the various years. The postage is usually the biggest cost when ordering items like seals.
A good selection of seals arrived today. The Haynes manual is very good at showing pictures if design / assemblies up to 1980 but rather vague on later models.
As mine is a 1981 swb on rover axles what is the difference (driving member outer seal wise) from earlier models. Should all series 3 have the felt / rubber washers with Rover axles? The felt washers look like they're meant for the 10 spline shafts but should a different seal be used for a later 24? spline?
Might sound daft but also which way round does the felt / rubber washer go...rubberside in or felt side in?
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dont forget to check the axle breather , if its blocked it forces the oil past the seals

i put mine felt side in

Thanks - that would make sense - the split pin nut / washer would tighten against the rubber part of the seal.

How tight should the split pin nut be? If they're taper bearings I assume you back off a quarter turn little before inserting the split pin right?
There's a sticky in "general land rover chat" which I think has links to disco manuals.