The guy who is doing it for me used to own the A5 4x4 near Nuneaton Warickshire.
Really nice chap he packed the buisness up about two months ago and i thought i would pop and call on him to see if he knew anyone who knew what they were doing with Landy Engines and i caught him strimming his hedge by chance and asked : Excuse me can you help?, Five minutes later i could not shut him up he knew the lot ,, expalined eactley what the problem was and told me the model i had sufferd from pressure in the lower crank which in turn when engine is worn it forces Oil passed the pistons!!
Then he dragged me to his workshop lordy lordy: He had Landy after Landy on blocks imaculate stored in his Garage and others IE: MBG Midget imaculate, Engines , parts you could drool for lying all over the place and then he had a club room for his mates settee Tele Beer..all in his Garages..
Paradise found , anyway he even rang the breakers from were i got the Engine from to tell them not to cut off things like throttle cables etc to save some Money!!!!
Anyway get the engine deliverd Tommorow and he will begin to take out the old one and fit the new 200TDI ...Intercooler baby!!
Carnt wait then its a ompleate new paint job the full chequer plate to front end and all of the rear of the Landy with new rear seats to boot.
Then a good winch, if anyone has one let me know at least 9000 Lbs
New front Winch bumper and chrome bull bar..
He is charging me £350.00 to fit with my help...