you trying to be funny again?
am trying to build up a group of lads in liverpool, was asking yer where yer meet is as yer dint tell no one.
so there, my meaning is "hear that lads????????" so dont be a fooking pleb with a chip on yer shoulder as i was only trying to help yer out and the merseyside lads are starting to crop up back on this forum.
i wont fooking bother next time.[/QUOTE
apologies for misunderstandings. this may help-I thought you wre being sarcastic about my new nickname TUG then I realise it was a short version of user, I don't understand half of what you say, soz for being thick-but I am from the wirral you know-don't get the scouse lingo. thanks for the help. honest. now play nice. jon.