Disco 2 no throttle pedal

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Well-Known Member
South lakes
Have had carpets out in the car, waxoyled under bonnet took battery box out, ecu etc loosed fuse box off, got it back together, started ok, but no throttle pedal? just tick over, not really looked as it is still on axle stands and just wanted to raise and lower air bags at rear, is there a common fault before i look in depth, no fault reader now, not in a rush as yet to get it moving as stripping passenger side out!
You will neee to scan using a code reader but have a read here


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This is a long shot but in my case when I had the same symptoms the issue was not with the pedal.

I had wear on the cables from MAF/MAP to the ECU. Found it by coincidence. This was showing as an error to the signal from pedal to ecu.

I read somewhere that the 5V feed from ECU (?) to the MAF/AAP sensor and the pedal is the same so an error at one of the two might be caused by an issue in the other. And you end up looking for the problem at the wrong end.

So if you can't locate the issue at the pedal end then you will need to look elsewhere.
This is a long shot but in my case when I had the same symptoms the issue was not with the pedal.

I had wear on the cables from MAF/MAP to the ECU. Found it by coincidence. This was showing as an error to the signal from pedal to ecu.

I read somewhere that the 5V feed from ECU (?) to the MAF/AAP sensor and the pedal is the same so an error at one of the two might be caused by an issue in the other. And you end up looking for the problem at the wrong end.

So if you can't locate the issue at the pedal end then you will need to look elsewhere.
Sigh! Remember the days when this could only be caused by a bust accelerator cable, and all you needed to do to get home was to wind the tickover up a bit with your fingers or a nail file? I had a mate who drove his Ami 8 around for a long time with a bit of string attached to the accelerator spindle fed through the dash near his gear lever!
Nowadays it seems any fault can be caused by something electrical totally unrelated to what you would expect. Need a degree in electrical engineering, a nanocom and a recovery truck following you to be sure of getting anywhere!
I read somewhere that the 5V feed from ECU (?) to the MAF/AAP sensor and the pedal is the same so an error at one of the two might be caused by an issue in the other.
Where you have read this was wrong cos the MAF doesnt even have 5V supply, it has 12V while the MAP/IAT and AAP 5V supply which is common comes from the ECU red plug while theTPS 5V supply from the black plug and it's from a different internal source.... if you want to read something usefull read RAVE :cool:
I had a potentiometer fault the other week and the throttle worked but it ticked over at 1500rpm the when revved wouldn’t settle revs back down. Hawkeye diagnosed it straight away. There is a plug on the throttle that may have got dislodged, check that maybe
Sigh! Remember the days when this could only be caused by a bust accelerator cable, and all you needed to do to get home was to wind the tickover up a bit with your fingers or a nail file? I had a mate who drove his Ami 8 around for a long time with a bit of string attached to the accelerator spindle fed through the dash near his gear lever!

I have a clear memory as a child of being with my horse-mad elder sister in an old (then) Land Rover towing a horsebox back from some event or other. The throttle linkage broke by the carb and whoever was driving (probably my future brother in law) tied it back together with a bit of twine from a hay bale. I was never one much for horses, but I loved being in that Land Rover.
I have a clear memory as a child of being with my horse-mad elder sister in an old (then) Land Rover towing a horsebox back from some event or other. The throttle linkage broke by the carb and whoever was driving (probably my future brother in law) tied it back together with a bit of twine from a hay bale. I was never one much for horses, but I loved being in that Land Rover.
Baler Twine, the thing farmers use to mend almost anything, the equivalent of gaffer tape nowadays. Marvelous memory! Thanks for sharing it!
gonna have a look at the throttle tomoz, trace back where i have had it in bits to see if that helps, if not will limp to my mates and get it read at his garage!