Thanks for the input fellas.
Just a quick re-cap:
I’ve just bought a 1982 Petrol Series 3, rolling chassis and I’ve having trouble getting the engine to start.
Previous owner had install a new battery, new starter solenoid, new HT leads and a new dizzy cap
There was no spark from the coil HT lead – a new coil was fitted resulting in a spark at the coil HT lead but not at the spark plugs.
Turns out the new dizzy cab fitted by previous owner is a Lucas and the dizzy is Ducellier.
New spark plugs, new dizzy and new cap were installed resulting in spark at the plugs, but still not firing.
Timing re-set by:
Removed No.1 spark plug, put finger in hole and turn crank by hand until pressure felt on finger to indicate piston was on compression stroke.
Set timing pointer to 6 deg. As for 95 octane fuel.
Slacken dizzy pinch bolt and turned dizzy until points just opened, used circuit tester to see when this was.
Adjusted points gap to 0.015 see photos below of re-positioned dizzy.
Connected HT and LT circuits. Tested for spark – good spark at plugs.
Engine turns nice and quick, but still won’t fire.
What do you think to just the one time, a little Easy Start?