It's big problem in the countryside with no street lighting at all in the dark. There are a couple of cars on the way to my sons work at 5.30 in the morning. If in my 38' I'm higher up due to the driving position and the bright lights of these particular cars aren't as bad on the sweeping and undulating roads where we are but in the Volvo v50 we also have it's almost painful and the side of the road can actually just dissappear for an instant causing me slow down !
I've also heard a lot of my clients complaining about today's lighting on modern vehicles..
I myself have two small nuclear powered spot lights on my old bus and I'm ultra careful and very prudent to other incoming vehicles because I know the risk they carry.
Unfortunately drivers of newer vehicles with these super lights are probably not as aware of the possibilities of an accident.
We can say " get your eyes tested", "slow down" or" don't drive at night" but some have no choice old or young..
I do believe a revision is needed to reassess lighting needs and power levels.