Hi all,
Thought i'd provide an update on progress. Its all been happening of late, with various discussions ref roll cages, tyres and the like but last weekend I really knuckled down and got some jobs on the to-do list done.
First up for me was sorting the temp sender which was registering way too hot due to the wrongt sender being fitted. Landranger in Stockport sold me the two types of sender and low-and-behold the first one I fitted was the right one! This means I can take back the other one for a refund. There ws also a small leak coming from the plastic cap on the water filler so I replaced this at teh same time with a shiney new one also. After topping up the fluid all is now well with the cooling system

new temp sender and plastic cap fitted
The dashboard lights were not work and neither was the interior light so it was diagnosed as a faulty switch - I got one of these from Landranger and now all work great! (though as you can see below, the headliner has seen better days..)

Let there be light(s)!
The seatbelt buckle has also been renewed but turns out I need a new seatbelt mechanism too so just after taking the pic below I had to take the new one off again, doh! lol
So, on to the more glamourous jobs. I spent most of Monday night cleaning up and polishing the new wheels and tehn set about with the tyre paint paint filling in the writing on the side walls - Lary to some but the US spec cars I have seen had thsi done and I think it added something to the look so i've given it a shot
Saturday morning was the big moment of putting them on
I like the look but have decided to fit the higher profile and more hardcore tyres that the 90 came with on the steel wheels so these will be swapped over next weekend (If I can find a tyres place that won't try and charge me £167 for doing this - I poop you not, i've been quoted that!!) I have done the white writing on the existing tyres and its a bit more subtle so happy with that also

Spare tyre and wheel on left, I will put the tyres on the right onto the Freestyle rims next weekend.
Next up was a trip to Paddock's to get some parts last Saturday. I got;
Full genuine Wipac Nas light kit
All the connectors for the above
2 x new front seat re-trim kits in techno cloth design
A swing out spare wheel carrier
A halogen headlight conversion including integrated side lights
Once I returned (3 hour round trip!) I got on with one of the jobs I was looking forward to the most; the Nas front light upgrade.
The existings front lights had been updated to great quality (and very bright) angel eyes and LED side lights but this isn't the look I wanted for my 'truck'
First the light surrounds came off and I started drilling holes for the Nas plinths, then test fitted the indicators. While I was there I also polished and waxed the headlight retainers which now look awesom
Next up I modifed the front wings to accept the larger units by marking out and drilling lots of small holes to create a neat finish. Once they were drilled I primed and painted everything to ensure no tarnishing later on
By the time all this was done and wired back in it was dark so i'd had to wait til the morning to check the overall success of the job
So here it is the following day - I'm happy with it, what do you think?
I'm looking forward to getting teh new tyres on and next up is some sorting out of some electrical earths (my mate Chris is helping with this) followed by replacing the rear door lock which won't let me in!!
Nas lights will be going on at the back next weekend and i'm looking for a guide as to how to fit side windows myself - Don't want to risk getting that one wrong with cutting the wrong sized holes! lol
Cheers guys,