jwaldron - You must be snowed in mate, to be able to read through all 500+posts!!!!
Thanks for the kind words, I have today contacted the Solicitor in writing (email) and stated that if I do not get a resolution imminently that the trader will be recieving a court summons with the next 7days.
I have also made a point of highlighting comments the trader has put in writing i.e. the vehicle did NOT have any faults at time of sale, and therefore they have manifested since my ownership.
I have attached a copy of the MOT history clearly stating the issues it failed on, and the advisories that were present at the MOT, that they would have been present at time of the alleged inspection the trader had carried out prior to sale and that are still present now!
Therefore I can Categorically say that they were present.
I have ended the corrispondance asking how the trader wishes to proceed.
Refund (what I want), Further inspection in the hope that the trader can get a cheap fix (i have given him several garages of my choosing, this is for pure comedy value as it is looking like 2.5k to get how I want it. he still has 1k profit in the car and indicated if it was to be repared for less than 1k he would get it done) or Court.