"Exit" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
[email protected]...
> Papa Smurf wrote:
> > "Exit" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:5jaOa.77018$%[email protected]...
> >> Papa Smurf wrote:
> >>> "Exit" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >>> news:T73Oa.76196$%[email protected]...
> >>>> Papa Smurf wrote:
> >>>>> "Exit" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >>>>> news:Oj1Oa.76183$%[email protected]...
> >>>>>> scrape at mindspring dot com wrote:
> >>>>>>> On Sun, 06 Jul 2003 20:40:07 GMT, "Exit" <[email protected]>
> >>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Forgive my lack of knowledge of US political parties as I am an
> >>>>>>>> Englishman - I take it the democrats are the very right wing
> >>>>>>>> party and the republicans are the even more right wing party?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Nope. You've got it wrong. The Democrats are the socialists
> >>>>>>> and the Republicans are the liberals.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Democrats are socialists?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> To be a socialist (like Tony Blair or Karl Marx ) you need to
> >>>>>> believe in:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> State ownership of big business.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Actually that's too much work for them, they just believe in
> >>>>> taxing it into submission.
> >>>>>
> >>>> So no then.
> >>>
> >>> I'd put it down as a sort of. It's not that they don't want it, it's
> >>> just that they screw up each company that they try this one. They
> >>> can't do it out right so it's a lot of smoke and mirrors, regulate
> >>> everything so tightly that it might as well be run by the government
> >>> (ironically: California calls this deregulation). But do they
> >>> believe in it and lust for it, I think so.
> >>>
> >> So they have actually tried a compulsory purchase of a national
> >> industry which then subsequently failed?
> >
> > As I said previously anything antithecal to vast majority of the
> > public is never do straight out in this country. So rather than buy a
> > company outright, they set rigid limits on what it can charge, and
> > set up a billion rules it must comply to. Essentially running the
> > company through legistration rather than by direct hand. So it's not
> > like in a socialist cou ntry, be we were refering to what they
> > believe in and desire.
> >
> Ahhh, I see your definition. In truth nationalisation really involves the
> creation of a state owned monopoly which would mean for example, your govt
> buying every electricity company in the US, lumping them all together and
> calling it American Energy Inc or similar. What you describe seems to be
> simply heavy handed remote control.
I agree that it is mere shadow of what you describe, I offer it nearly as
insight into their wishes and desires, as the actions you describe are
currently still against the law in terms of the power of the government.
> >>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> A command economy.
> >>>>>>
> >>>> Well?
> >>>
> >>> I skipped this because I'm not sure what this means and I'm too lazy
> >>> to look it up today.
> >>>
> >> Sorry - it's an economy where the govt control the means of
> >> production.
> >
> > Admittedly here, we have only reached the point of the govt limiting
> > and undermining the means of production.
> >
> >>>>
> >>>>>> Redistribution of wealth.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Big time. Top 50% of Wage Earners Pay 96.09% of Income Taxes
> >>>>>
> >>>> Hmmm. . . . . .could you elucidate please.
> >>>
> >>> The Top half of all American Wage Earners Pay almost all Income
> >>> taxes. Nope that probably didn't help. Damned IRS moved everything
> >>> around again, I'll have to go with this link:
> >>> http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/menu/irsfigures.guest.html
> >>>
> >> I don't doubt the figures, but surely this is precisely what would be
> >> expected in a rich economy and dare I say it, be desirable from both
> >> a social and economic perspective.
> >
> > I don't feel like debating that at the moment. But my point was that
> > the Libs are for ever higher rates on the top tax brackets, more
> > people on the bottom paying ever lower amounts of taxes, and more and
> > more social programs for those unable or unwilling to help
> > themselves. So clearly they believe in and are very efficient at
> > redistribution of wealth.
> >
> Out of interest, here low earners pay about 22% income tax and the top
> is 40% even for millionaires - and everyone gets an annual tax free
> allowance of around $8000 before they start paying tax. How does that
> compare with the US tax system currently?
On a Federal level (state and countries add their own income (and other)
taxes which vary enormously from State to State. Alaska actually has a
negative tax rate, several states have no state income tax, and some are
heavily taxed. massachusetts is currently 6% and rising) the Top rate is 37%
(it was a high at 71% under Carter), the bottom rate is 15%, but that really
doesn't tell the picture as 37% pay no tax at all, many are actually given
money (A wonderful wealth redistribution tool called tax credits), and as I
stated before the top 50% pay 96.09% of the taxes. And then several types of
income are taxed completely differently, and some are taxed twice. Our
system is absurdly complex, mostly to keep the lawyers employeed and make
sure everyone feels like a criminal (which makes them easier to control).
One interesting aspect of our revenue system is you can ask 50 different IRS
agents the same question and get upwards of 50 starkly different answers
(this has been done and documented).
But you can see with this kind of a spread on revenue, NHS on a tax basis,
simply is a another aspect of wealth redistribution.
> >>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> That the struggle between the proletariat and bourgeois is a
> >>>>>> politcal struggle.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Definately.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>> State provision of services.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Don't know how strongly they feel about publicizing everything,
> >>>>> but they show do go ballistic whenever talk of privitizing
> >>>>> something comes up.
> >>>>>
> >>>> So what public services are provided by the democrats that aren't
> >>>> by the republicans?
> >>>>
> >>>>>> It still looks to me as though you have two right wing parties
> >>>>>> neither of whom would know socialism if it hit them in the face!
> >>>>>> ;-)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> OK, we'll just call em 4/5 socialists then....
> >>>>
> >>>> Not even 5% socialists - must try harder.
> >>>
> >>> Wow, if that's 5% then they must whip most kids straight out of the
> >>> delivery room into a bubblewrap crate designed for safety and
> >>> health, while pushing the few producers to breaking point to keep
> >>> society going. No, too far from one of my concepts of hell.
> >>> What's good side for the non-leeches?
> >>
> >> You seem somewhat dogmatic - a nations success surely must not only
> >> be measured in dollars, but also how it looks after it's less
> >> fortunate citizens and I say this a right wing Conservative.
> >>
> >
> > Where as I believe that a country is only as strong as the intregity
> > of it's people.
> > And intregity I measure by the individuals belief in personal
> > reponsiblity. And that I see (by which I mean I observe it happening
> > in this country) as undermined by the entitlement mindset.
> We both believe similar things then, but my belief in my fellow Englishmen
> leads me to trust that their self-respect will allow them only to use
> entitlement as a last resort, whereas you seem to think many Americans
> immediately give up trying if they can get the basics for free.
Forty years of experience has shown me that it works that way here.
The more that is given the more they not only want, but they more that they
feel they deserve.
Pick a random person around my parts, and on one hand they are proudly
milking the system for what it's worth and decrying the rich as selfish,
greedy and not paying their fair share. It's both insane and maddening.
Of cpurse it doesn't help that the entitlements here are designed to make
you more dependant. For instance: Unemployment discourages working by making
it largely an all or nothing deal. You can't work a little and build your
way up with slowly reduced benefits, because that would lead too many people
off the roles and not dependant on the government. The system wants to be
"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner"