DD and I went out for a spot of white laning after sortig out the EWP - which is now working flawlessly btw.
We came across these stuck squaddies waaaaaay out in the lanes of the black mountains, quite far from backup. They;d been trying to get out for some time as they had lost traction (no tratter-control) on a very slippery hill and had gone in the ditch. Pulled them out in a jiffy and then they followed us up the valley. I have to say that the Hippo went beyond excellence out there, there were some really gnarly patches that would have scared the pants off me before but it went up dow and around without a single complaint. You could feel the TC scratching around for grip but it was always finding it and didn't let go once. HDC is bloody awesome.
Then a trouble free 150 mile trip back to notts and now all is well. Turned out that the fuse was melted - I had been looking at the wrong one before turned out that one was for the spy box from my old insurance! Removed that anyway. The old controller was fakked, so it'll be going back, but I had the new one and that works fine. With the re-routed hoses the heater is roasty toasty.
So, on with the 3000 mile shakedown cruise
