My first ever land rover, series 3, 88"

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The next thing to do was the drivers side, sliders.
How to seperate them was the challenge, so I could clean and paint.


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So after much head sctratching I set to it. It was not easy trying to work it out, they seemed to be a sealed unit, not meant to come apart But I was determined, and did it.
Although working out how to put back together was'nt easy either, decided when I do my degree in engineering I would write my thesis on theses stupid things.
Pics show, seperated, cleaned and primed, back together with top coat.


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Its been a while since I updated this thread, so..
Just took it over the road for MOT, nervous as hell now waiting, ive felt better in the dentist waiting room.
Got to go back at 5 and see whats what..:eek:
Well done nice to see all your hard work has paid off look forward to seeing her around on the road
congratulations on passin the mot, all the money, blood sweat and tears have all payed off and now youve got a truly fabulous series thatl last for many years to come!

great job mate
Thanks guys for all your comments, and support.
I just have the front headlining to finish, then thats it done.
I will update the pics soon..:biggrin1::biggrin1: