Grape Farmer

That parking post, where did you get it and how much and is that a auto up and down??.
Could you put up a link for it??? And does it do what you like or would you do something different?
JW, The security post is as strong as an Rhino on steroids, whos sole purpose in life is to refuse to move!!
Its not automatic, its a manual telescopic heavy duty post. It weighs 66kg but I paid extra for it to have a 'lift assist' mechanism to aid in lifting it up & down, this reduces the weight to 27kg. It has an inner and an outer core, and is worth every penny.
I always roll gently down the drive with the brakes half applied, just in case Ive forgotten to drop the post. One time I had, and when gently hitting the post the landie stopped with a thud, I didnt even feel a millimeter of movement in the post!!
The only problem it causes me is that my house is built on heavy clay, and so when the post hole fills with rain water there is nowhere for it to drain to, so I get wet feet when lifting it up!
The post is made by Marshalls and its part of their Rhino range, model number 'RT R14 HD'. It cost me about £500

, they do cheaper posts but they arent as strong. In fact ive just bought a second one, but to overcome my poor drainage ive chosen a 'Lift Out' version of the same post. I bought it from
Rhino Security, but you can buy them direct from