Midlands laning

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got to stoop to persanal insults now have we
terry, god i hope your not as stupid as you are coming across.Because if you are, well put it this way im glad ya a50 miles away from me.Rattys point is your car will be squished by the filth.No matter what you spent on it.Ie it will become scrap, a scrapper.I for one will be glad.Hope you dont replace it.
for what it cost kido then can squash it, prob save me some pennys. if they can find it, but not before i take em to court for wat ever reason they want to scrap it lol.
Your gonna take old bill to court?


I think they might take you to court so saving you the effort.Plain silly.
well if you could of been arsed to read all the post you would of seen that i was at strata this weekend and did speak to the local bobby and the was not a problem at all
Hahaha the police deal with rules, and the breaking of!!!
The council deal with highways an byways

Yeah ya know whats coming next..............

Therefore in the filths eyes or one of there brood anyway, its um, ok

However when Mr highways inspector takes a stroll and inspects................

Well hello footpath/bridleway.....................

Have some respect dude

Oh a bit of reading matter for ya to take to ya cot

Section 59 Police Reform Act 2002 states that -

Where an officer has reasonable grounds for believing that a motor vehicle is being used in a manner which contravenes Road Traffic Act Section 3 (Careless Driving) OR Section 34 (Driving elsewhere than on a road) AND also the manner of use of the vehicle is causing or has been causing or is likely to cause, alarm distress or annoyance to members of the public, Section 59 can be used to:-
initially give a written warning (valid for twelve months)
(commonly called a Section 59 Notice)
and on a subsequent occasion to seize the vehicle.
(it will probably end up in the crusher, or may be ransomed back to the owner)
A constable in uniform has the power to order the person driving to stop the vehicle, to seize and remove the vehicle, to enter any premises on which the officer has reasonable grounds for believing the motor vehicle to be and to use reasonable force. Seizure can made only if a warning has been given, or believed to have been given, or if a warning is clearly being ignored.
So, usually it's a two-stage process - a warning or notice first, seizure if you persist or repeat.
Full text of Police Reform Act section 59 here.
Section 3 Road Traffic Act –

3. If a person drives a motor vehicle on a road without due care and attention, or without reasonable consideration for other persons using the road, he is guilty of an offence.
(Examples are – wheel spinning, skidding, revving engine excessivly, handbrake turns etc)
for what it cost kido then can squash it, prob save me some pennys. if they can find it, but not before i take em to court for wat ever reason they want to scrap it lol.

Only problem with that is that there is no legal recourse to a section 59 order and no right of appeal. Because they don't take you to court or charge you with anything. Once issued they can not be withdrawn except at the discretion of the Chief Constable of the force that issued it in the 1st place.
Your gonna take old bill to court?


I think they might take you to court so saving you the effort.Plain silly.

its a wireless keyboard son, take it where ever any one wants lol. no stupid u honestly think that im going to take on the police, seen as my dads a pig in a noddy hat i mite take him to court for being an arse at times. bloody hell, im ready for a pizza
I Must be ****ing thick to keep on with this lot of two faced lying ****s who have never been aggresive on a green lane in all the time they have owend a 4x4
Only problem with that is that there is no legal recourse to a section 59 order and no right of appeal. Because they don't take you to court or charge you with anything. Once issued they can not be withdrawn except at the discretion of the Chief Constable of the force that issued it in the 1st place.
By which time its a coke can!
Must be ****ing thick to keep on with this lot of two faced lying ****s who have never been aggresive on a green lane in all the time they have owend a 4x4

I dumped the last club I was involved with because they were gungho "we go were we want when we want" peeps. Bit like you lot really. I'm sure there are plenty of peeps on here who have ripped up a lane or driven it when it shouldn't have been driven. But unlike you lot. They weren't stupid enough to post the evidence on a public website, for every rambler, greenie & plod, to see.
Your gonna take old bill to court?


I think they might take you to court so saving you the effort.Plain silly.

eyup nob head, i bet my black dog is blacker than ur black dog. and im only embarrasing when i wear my next door neighbours clothes.