You'll see the reply if I put in
@GrumpyGel because it'll come up in your notifications without having to take up loads of space quoting a long post
Of course lots of folk will complain/whinge/moan and expect everything set to suit themselves......that's expected.
I've only got small screens and perhaps it's on the big screens that people are finding it difficult and unsightly.......I'm not sure. Hopefully it's improving as its being tweaked though
I probably use LZ a little differently to most, trying to keep some sort of overview rather than so much interest in particular threads. I had a system that worked quite well for that and I'm finding I've had to adapt that with the change.
I've had a couple of weeks longer than most to get my small brain round it and appreciate its a helluva shock but I am finding it generally much easier.
I dont think I'll storm out and slam the door quite yet