I got a torque wrench very early on, especially necessary when tightening into ally as so easy to strip a thread. Human nature is to overtighten small sizes and undertighten big ones.

My three are one of the dial indicator type which are good for small torques as my next one up, a click to torque job doesn't do the small torques. You can of course get ones that do anything, tiny ones for stuff on motorbikes etc and feck off huge ones for lorries. My biggest one I got off eBay surprisingly to do up hub nuts on an old style Mini.
But one that goes up to the torque necessary to do a hub nut on a Disco would be ferociously expensive, so for that one I used a breaker bar with extension, knowledge of my own body weight, and a bit of maths to tell me where to stand on it.

As for socket sets, I think a lot of us just buy a set then buy the individual sockets as you need them, but 6 sided and/or those that act on the sides of the nut rather than the corner are better except that for one or two nuts you do actually need a 12 point, like the caliper (frame?) mounting jobbies on a Disco.
Lots of good advice above and second that re Halfords as the pro set especially is lifetime guarantee.
All good fun!!
Oh and 4 axle stands come in handy as does a feck off big hydraulic jack.
We each have our own favourite tools.
could go on about this for ages!!