lnteresting chassis rust proofing idea

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Well-Known Member
High Peak
I was out on my mountain bike and saw a 90 parked at 45 degrees on a bank with a farmer underneath it.

I stopped to ask what is wrong with the Landy "fu#k all" was the reply.

Oh, l persisted, what are you doing then?

Rustproofing.....basically spray engine oil in at the front/side of the chassis wherever there are holes and it runs to the back, coating the lower inside with oil, which stops the common problem of the lower rails rotting.

Good idea? Well he was using old oil, which l would not do as it has all kinds of nasties in it, but maybe new oil would be a better option.

As long as you don't put too much in so it runs out all over the road.
I made rocksliders for mine, poured a little new engine oil in then capped the ends off ... However, there must be a porous weld or small hole, 'cos everytime I park pointing downhill oil drips out. Strangely I only put a bit in, but loads has come out over time!!!
I made rocksliders for mine, poured a little new engine oil in then capped the ends off ... However, there must be a porous weld or small hole, 'cos everytime I park pointing downhill oil drips out. Strangely I only put a bit in, but loads has come out over time!!!

Well, when you've finished with it we can put in a museum as an 'eternally leaking Land Rover' exhibit, complete with a visual display of all the oil it has yielded over the course of its life. It's a bit like the amount of water that seems to drain out of sandwiches with salad in them. The bread goes soggy and then so does everything else in the picnic.
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Been filling the chassis of my boat trailer with old engine oil for years its worked so far.
Been mixing old engine oil [from diesel engine] and diesel and spraying it inside and outside my 90 for over twenty years,still has original rear crossmember and only had a few minor welds despite being on farm where the sh1t is plentyfull and living next to the sea.[ see lighthouse in avatar]
I have started emptying a tin of spray grease under my 110 every so often. The aerosol jet of grease goes about 3 feet so can be sprayed inside the chassis and into difficult to reach areas.
The grease when sprayed leaves a sticky coating which doesn't wash off and doesn't dry out.