On Sat, 1 Nov 2003 17:09:40 -0700, "Gerald G. McGeorge"
[email protected]> wrote:
>How about everyone stop posting this bull**** in the Jeep forum and
>your anti-SUV PC opinions back to the Radical Greens & Democrat
>Hand-Wringers Wine & Cheese Party forum, huh?
>Oh, and by the way, Jeeps aren't SUVs, and SUVs aren't Jeeps.
From OE Help:
To ignore a conversation
In both e-mail and newsgroups, you can ignore, and even hide,
conversations that don't interest you. A conversation is an original
message and all its replies.
In your Inbox or newsgroup message list, select the conversation you
want to ignore.
On the Message menu, click Ignore Conversation.
If your message list's Watch/Ignore column is turned on, an ignore
icon will appear next to all the messages of an ignored conversation.
To hide ignored messages so they don't clutter up your message lists,
click View, point to Current View, and then select Hide Read or
Ignored Messages.
Selecting Hide Read or Ignored Messages will hide messages you have
read, messages you have ignored, and messages you have both read and
If you want to hide ignored messages, but want to keep your read
messages visible, click Hide Read or Ignored Messages as instructed
above, click View, point to Current View, and then select Define
Views. In the Define Views dialog box, click New. In box 1 of the View
Editor, select Where the message has been read. In box 2, click the
words Show/Hide and select Show messages. In box 3, give this view a
name, and then click OK.
end help.
If you can't figure that out, you could exercise some self-control and
just resist the apparently overwhelming urge that you have to read
threads that don't interest you.