Leafers at T'pit .....29/30/31 August 2015 ...at the NCM Wakefield Yorkshire

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Ok folks Dates are now set for 'Probably' The best little leafer show of the year .....

Over the August bank holiday weekend we will be holding ANOTHER most excellent weekend of wall to wall leafer fun ....It's looking like a bigger AND better show than even last years extravaganza .

IF you haven't joined us before then WHY not ;-) ....you have missed out BUT worry not there is still time to make up for it emma1

There is a small (And perfectly formed admission ) that all goes to continue the great work that the National Coal Mining Museum does towards helping inform and educate people on out fascinating industrial heritage .
Entrance to the museum itself is free with a small charge to head deep underground into the tunnels of a coal mine ....

There is a limited number of camping places (Facilities are fairly basic with just loos and washing facilities ) allotted on a first come first served basis (The camping list will be opened in a couple of weeks time across the various forums to allow allocation of places as fairly as possible SO keep your eyes peeled )


LATP 2015 .....29/30/31

Also IF you Fancy shifting some of your tat.....
err I mean highly valued "Ebay rare" series spares that you are fed up with falling over .
Why not bring a heap of it along to LATP Donate A bargain £10 per day and go home with a wallet full of cash instead of a trailer full of stuff
(Unless you blow the proceeds on other Stuff you saw in someone else's trailer wink emoticon )
Go on ....
bring the trailer full of Landrover stuff help raise funds for the NCM AND clear some space into the bargain .
book a pitch by giving me a yell .....

Any questions just give me a shout and I'll do my best to help
Right folks the time is NOW .....

We have a small number of camping spots available at LATP (Possibly) THE best leafer ONLY show in the calendar AND on a strictly first come first served basis ....

SO If you fancy joining us in your leafer and join us at the "After show party" as well as soaking up the wall to wall leafer fun along with visiting the Underground tour at the NCM (National coal mining museum at Wakefield Yorkshire) along with an enjoyable day out learning how our coal industry once worked .

As usual we hope to have a fantastic range of leafers on show with ALL entrance fees going to the NCM's efforts educating folks on our industrial heritage.

Turn up and join us in your leafer for the special welcome that only T'pit offers ..

If you manage to bag a camping spot ...the facilities are basic BUT nice and clean ...toilets and wash basins SO no hook up OR showers (I'm working on that though SO watch this space)

Catering wise there is a fantastic reasonably priced cafe on site AND last year we had the "Snap tin" open for hot drinks etc ....

Evening wise there "MAY" be a BBQ/Steak pie peas and mash/Pizzas on offer in return for a small donation whstle.

IF you want to bring a trailer full of series stuff behind your series to autojumble then A "Special" rate will be available of £10 a day including camping.

As usual camping spots are very limited due to site insurance conditions AND NO camping number NO camping spot .....So look sharp folks .

Join us and I reckon IF you love series motors then you WILL have a blast AND go home having made a bunch of new leafer friends Bring the Wife/Boyfriend/Kids/blow up doll .....(Small charge for bringing them back from the mine trip ;-) )

Dogs under control AND picked up after are welcome too .

Email to latpcamping@yahoo.com with


Forum name

Vehicle type

Contact Number


Autojumble place required ?

IF you require a camping spot

IF you manage to grab a spot Then I'll email you back with your camping number ....

Look sharp folks AND good luck ...ANY question please ask away and I'll do my best to help .
Well that's the list full to the brim folks ....

Everyone that applied for a place SHOULD now have an email with either a camping number OR the option of going on the reserve list (We occasionally have a couple of folks drop out due to unforeseen circumstances etc )

All the places were pretty much snapped up within the first 24 hours despite having managed to negotiate an increase in camping spots with the NCM ....

The fastest that places have ever sold out (At least whilst i have been at the helm) SO big thanks folks .

IF anyone hasn't got a camping number and would like to be put on the camping list then please email me at latpcamping@yahoo.com ASAP .

Cheers chaps ...

Roll on August Bank holiday AND LATP 2015
Finally got around to uploading some of the pictures I (For a change) actually got around to taking this year .....

Now first and foremost WHAT an fantastic attendance this year with lots of NEW faces and Landrovers,It's always nice to meet new folks and have a looksy around their series Landrovers,
8 101s in one place .....
Many many thanks to new faces AND old faces for supporting us in the efforts we make to raise funds for the NCM to continue their fantastic work that they do helping to educate folks on our fascinating industrial heritage it really is very much appreciated .

In the process of uploading the pictures from this year I happened across the donation total from LATP 2011 ...

A very nice sum of £860.00

To have increased the amount in 2015 to £1678.80 IS frankly both incredible AND a credit to all of you that help us achieve it ....

I'm currently in the process of getting things in place for LATP 2016 .....
Something of a special anniversary for the show AND those that have attended since the early days ....rest assured next years LATP will be bigger AND better if I have anything to do with things .

More to come AND big big thanks to you all again .....

Make sure you keep your eyes open for 2016 ....it's going to be a blast .
Finally got around to uploading some of the pictures I (For a change) actually got around to taking this year .....

Now first and foremost WHAT an fantastic attendance this year with lots of NEW faces and Landrovers,It's always nice to meet new folks and have a looksy around their series Landrovers,
8 101s in one place .....
Many many thanks to new faces AND old faces for supporting us in the efforts we make to raise funds for the NCM to continue their fantastic work that they do helping to educate folks on our fascinating industrial heritage it really is very much appreciated .

In the process of uploading the pictures from this year I happened across the donation total from LATP 2011 ...

A very nice sum of £860.00

To have increased the amount in 2015 to £1678.80 IS frankly both incredible AND a credit to all of you that help us achieve it ....

I'm currently in the process of getting things in place for LATP 2016 .....
Something of a special anniversary for the show AND those that have attended since the early days ....rest assured next years LATP will be bigger AND better if I have anything to do with things .

More to come AND big big thanks to you all again .....

Make sure you keep your eyes open for 2016 ....it's going to be a blast .
some corking pix there, I so love that "door lock" on the s1, seems to have been a large ex mod contingent, is the camel trophy 101 for real? or has someone just livered it up like that.
I'd like to get to this event one day. Doubt it will be in the Land Rover though as it's a fair treck for a 2.25d with no overdrive. Great photos and a good sum of money raised.

Perhaps we need a more local one darn sarf....Leafers at T'Thames. :)
Brilliant show, one of the best landy shows ive been to! Also the longest drive ive done in my 88". Will definitely be going again next year!