This is an old thread I know but just thought I'd also say thank you as this really helped me today.
I had similar issues where electrics in from passenger side door stopped working (around the time the battery was disconnected, but this may not be related).
This was a 2004 Vogue
It was quite annoying not being able to use the window and auto lock/unlock the door.
Also to make it worse one night I forgot to manually lock it and someone decided to help themselves to my parking change.
Anyhow after checking fault code, fuses etc I managed to find this thread.
Getting the little bolt out of the connector was a bit of a pain due to limited access.
In the end I used a socket clamped in the end of a pair of grip pliers and this worked pretty neat.
For the socket I tried my 7mm and then 9mm but they were either to big or to small.
I didnt have an 8mm but a 5/16" did the trick.
Also this same socket did a great job on the star headed bolt in the middle door/body connector. Removing this allowed the door to open a tiny bit more and also gave more access for the next bit.
After disconnecting the battery to then next split the connectors in the door it's got a neat "up" sliding catch. When in this position this also means that the connector from the body is now to big to accidentally slide back into the body. I imagine trying to fish that thing back out again would be a right pain.
Initially I was disappointed to see the contacts looking in good condition as I wanted this to be the cause of the problem as I was running out of other possibilities.
Nether the less I gave a good spray with contact cleaner and connected up back together.
To my surprise this did fix the problem!