L series diesel - Split second surging at any speed

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The Wombat

East Englandshire
Hi - haven't posted for a while, mainly because our 2 Freelanders have been running so well. Obviously a harbinger of doom as the Wife's L series has started to develop a few problems and now the clutch pedal has dropped to the floor never to be seen again!!

Clutch means box out etc as the hydraulics work and the actuating arm moves, but the clutch does not disengage so pressure plate or bearing furbarred!

The other problem it has developed is not so clear. Apparently randomly, at any speed, it will surge for a split second, or loose power for a split second. This might happen once, or multiple times in a journey. I have not had time to investigate this yet, and it has not happened to me when I have been driving. Any ideas of what direction I should be looking would be very appreciated.

Not sure what info to help, but mileage is 111k, its a bit smokey on start up (grey, so suspect a little turbo or similar), and gets used for short journeys a lot. Smoke normally clears as soon as car pulls away. I tend to rev the car more when I am driving it compared to Mrs Wombat

Any ideas appreciated thanks.
Could be the fuel pump relay breaking down. If I go over a hard bump in mine the engine cuts for a second
Chrs Kizzeh

That point is quite interesting, as the instrument pod current does that. Occassionally goes off and online line when hitting a bump, so something is probably loose.

Will definitely check what has been mentioned so far.
Your wana be careful of that - GM under fire in US for similar thing with their ignition switches turning off on "bumps" which disables the airbags - so if that bump is a serious crash you're not protected. They recon its cost over 300 lives.