Gosh, each valve operates every THIRD revolution!
I thought these were FOUR stroke engines, but clearly I am wrong because
Mr DiscoTDi makes it clear these are SIX stroke cycle engines ....
Let me see .... suck .... squeeze ... bang .... blow ... and another two.
Beats me.
mmm, all I said was each valve opens every third revolution ?
It's a bit complicated I know, so I'll go slowly :
commence 1st revolution
commence 2nd revolution
commence 3rd revolution
and so on....
Basic stuff I would have thought.
Also you seem to think that if the engine was a six cylinder then this would be OK, which is somewhat strange, as the number of times a valve is depressed per revolutions of the crankshaft is the same regardless of the number of cylinders. Using your logic an eight cylinder engine would operate a given valve 4 times for every two revolutions which is novel.
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