K series Expertise Can you sdvise

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Please lets not cross stupidity with physical disablement.

As I have repeatedly stated the correct and proper route for the anyone wanting to express a concern or discuss how LZ works.

It would appear that there are Troll(s) who seem to want to whine, moan and generally bitch, without following the obvious procedure.

I have no part in administering LZ, so your find whining to me as responsive as complaining to a brick wall.

For those who find me or other's offensive, use the ignore feature and self censor things that affect your delicate sensibilities.

So far all I have heard so far is some vexatious egotistical trolling.
on a lighter note
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMZLS0pi2iQ&feature=related"]YouTube - ‪We Didn't Start the Flame War‬‏[/nomedia]
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eljeh4WOCv0&feature=related"]YouTube - ‪Shakira - Suerte Whenever wherever - spanish‬‏[/nomedia]
Any you sir.... can suck my balls. Goodnight everybody x x
[nomedia="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM9rnqdAx00"]YouTube - ‪Isaac Hayes-Chocolate Salty Balls Live‬‏[/nomedia]
Fanny whatever you say on here, I guarantee you'd not say to my face.

Your a big boy typer, but in the real world......... Well I wouldn't like to class you, that would be insulting to others.

You can call me all you want, blah blah blah "your an idiot" why would I give an idiot my details" blah blah blah. OK forward them to MAD HAT, you and him are buds, he can then state if your full of crap.

This all started because you go to far and because of that I pipe in, the person who you originally had pops at has left LZ again, and I bet your proud of that. ****er.

Again why hang round Freelander threads, why not get a life.?
Don't bring me into your childish spats :mad:. Just coz you got of to a poor start :rolleyes:.
It's a pity that the OP wasn't of a disposition to ignore the flack on here. He could have got a lot of help, as you have, Angus.

Yu are tarring everyone with the same brush. Don't forget, just because peeps don't have a Hippoo, don't mean they haven't in the past. Some peeps learn by their mistakes! They are still a very valuable source of knowledge.
Don't bring me into your childish spats :mad:. Just coz you got of to a poor start :rolleyes:.
It's a pity that the OP wasn't of a disposition to ignore the flack on here. He could have got a lot of help, as you have, Angus.

Yu are tarring everyone with the same brush. Don't forget, just because peeps don't have a Hippoo, don't mean they haven't in the past. Some peeps learn by their mistakes! They are still a very valuable source of knowledge.

Fair enough point to make, and between us you know I'll fight my corner if I'm right and accept when I'm wrong. We all learn something new dont we.

I was only using you as a ref since it's already accepted that he and you go along way back.

My problem is if someone gets that upset by comments people should respect it if they don't want the jibes etc and post them on threads where they are welcome. It's his thread and has the right to set to tone.
Fair enough point to make, and between us you know I'll fight my corner if I'm right and accept when I'm wrong. We all learn something new dont we.

I was only using you as a ref since it's already accepted that he and you go along way back.

My problem is if someone gets that upset by comments people should respect it if they don't want the jibes etc and post them on threads where they are welcome. It's his thread and has the right to set to tone.

ffs get over yourself! we all arent as thin skinned as you claim, out of the many many members, only a handful are spitting the dummy, over a few words typed on a screen!

Be an adult and be responsible for yourself, once again if you dont like whats written, dont login, go else where, and leave the forum the way it is, entertaining, informative, helpful and a blardy good laugh!!
Clearly I'm now talking to a younger member of LZ...... Accordingly waz up me homeboy! OMG FFS.

Who are you talking for????? Ranger or yourself. I was talking for Ranger and me not for you nor any other think skinned member, read the thread don't just comment on the last post you monkey.

Can you not see, not everyone wants abuse just help.

Youth of today!

But carry on with a big "west coast" thing I'm sure nobody thinks your stupid.
If someone comes on here and asks for help and gets crap chucked at them over and over again, if that person is upset by the comments then it's being bullied. .

No it bloody well isn't. Being bullied is about being in a position whereby another person has some power or control over you & abuses it to make your life a total misery, inventing all sorts of scenarios which either get you into trouble or just wear you down & you have no option other than to quit & lose everything to get away.
Being on here comes with choices, ones which won't affect your life or livelyhood. You like the forum - you stay, you don't like it - you leave, dead simple.
I don't normally get too worked up by most of the fun on here but I can't be bothered with the snivelling contingent which seems to be plagueing us at the moment or the " Can someone please tell me where my dipstick is because I can't be bothered to look at the manual which is 6 feet away from my computer " wastrels.
ffs get over yourself! we all arent as thin skinned as you claim, out of the many many members, only a handful are spitting the dummy, over a few words typed on a screen!

Be an adult and be responsible for yourself, once again if you dont like whats written, dont login, go else where, and leave the forum the way it is, entertaining, informative, helpful and a blardy good laugh!!

Here Here, I'll second that.
Chrom only that person has the right to state what is and what isn't a form of abuse, we all know LZ comes with a level of stick, but not everyone wants it nor can take it. They can still ask for help but if it's their thread then they have the right to set the tone.

Myself I don't care what some think of me on here, some may like me which is nice, others wont, these I don't care what they think. But I've got standards which I follow. Shame some others dont grow some also.
Fanny whatever you say on here, I guarantee you'd not say to my face.

Your a big boy typer, but in the real world......... Well I wouldn't like to class you, that would be insulting to others.

You can call me all you want, blah blah blah "your an idiot" why would I give an idiot my details" blah blah blah. OK forward them to MAD HAT, you and him are buds, he can then state if your full of crap.

This all started because you go to far and because of that I pipe in, the person who you originally had pops at has left LZ again, and I bet your proud of that. ****er.

Again why hang round Freelander threads, why not get a life.?

I don't need to forward my details onto anyone, if you had been around long enough you would find that there have been threads about the events I do
Two members from here who are people I consider friends have been to them with me.:D

So if your trying to make it personal,I would suggest your wasting your time!
Trying to wind me up will be a fruitless exercise, as I said before I'm much prefer you calmed down and maybe met for a beer and a chat at some point.

If you come looking to be physically aggressive and meet me-I'll quite happily wrap an iron bar round your head-but why not just be sensible.