Make it a wheel barrow, salted of course
Exactly, couldn't agree more.
Tiny detail I know, but I don't want, and didn't say I wanted a vehicle that goes really fast, did I? But what if I want a TD5 that goes faster than mine? Is that ok? Apparently not according to Colonel Misery. Or "should" I still just shut up, feck off, and buy a fast car because wanting my TD5 to perform a BIT better 'must' mean I 'really' want a Lotus Carlton! Great for shooting bunnies and towing my boat them things.
I can't remember the phrase for it, but this is basically one of those conversations that became an argument where one didn't exist, purely and solely due to the obnoxious nature of one of the involved parties, one in this case who actually wasn't involved in what was an interesting discussion beforehand, and only became involved for that solitary purpose, to do as those 'types' always do: take a contrarian argumentative posture to appear all cool and different, the fish swimming up stream even if it doesn't lead the right way, just to be 'different'. It's quite sad really, but I must find out what the word is for these types. It isn't the four letter C one which comes to mind, I double-checked.
I get the 'group think' thing Stan, I really do, but let's take stock shall we:
I have a TD5 Disco. I love my TD5 Disco. It's a VERY sluggish one, that's by comparison to
other TD5 Discos, not by comparison to a Bugatti. I dont want a race car, I want a TD5 Disco, that's why I drive one. Am i weird for liking the idea of it being quicker considering it barely gets up the hills where I live without TWO gear changes? If so, this forum has a lot of weirdos on it.
I had a remap to try to improve it. If everyone on LZ who had a remap or ASKED about how to improve their TD5 performance took this advice and drove a sports car instead, this forum would barely exist. I saw a very pokey TD5 and merely asked about the upgrades/changes made, to SEE if I wanted to do any. In fact even that's not quite true, my original post actually says "Just considering the K&N" - that was the original reason for posting. I was "just" wondering about upgrading the air filter, and glad I asked as that was a bad idea, thanks to the interesting posts about marketing hype of K&N and bad filtration.
I would never replace a perfectly functioning exhaust. I would never cut my airbox. I would never fit a bigger intercooler, because mine has AC for starters. I was curious. It's a "discussion" forum, I was "discussing". Shocking, I know, I am just kinda whacky like that.
I am actually more focussed on improving mpg right now which usually comes with a performance increase anyway, but that topic can also smoke out all the usual yawn-worthy cantankerous contrarian antagonistic lonely fools who often use forums as catharsis to make up for their lack of real-world civilised human interaction (lets just call them Col for short, Cantankerous Obnoxious Lumps shall we say

- and I made a smiley face just so nobody thinks this isn't ironic humour amongst bum-chums) who make equally moronic statements like "sounds to me like you need a Tesla if you don't want to use any fuel" or some similar ejection of stagnant warm air which had no relevance or place in the prior conversation. But it sure makes em feel good doesn't it!
Do I want a TD5? Yes, funnily enough I do, and that's bloody lucky, cos I just looked out the window and turns out I have one on my drive!! Bonza dude!!
Would I like my TD5 to save me a few quid on long runs with slightly better fuel efficiency? Yes.
Would I like my TD5 to have more poke to pull and get up hills, and maybe even accelerate better if possible? Yes, that would be pretty neat!
Do those two answers mean I shoud have another vehicle? No.
Do they give a chance for a sorry excuse for a troll to needle an argument out of someone where one doesn't exist, having run out of ants to burn with their magnifying glass? Yes. Twas ever thus, forums are forums, people are people. Too long in the tooth to be surprised, but far from too long in the tooth to return that parcel of 5hit to sender when necessary. Plus I get to prop up the popcorn business which, in the impending economic collapse, is just my bit to help my fellow man.
And Col:
"I don't expect we will be seeing you here for long" - Is 4.5 years not what you consider 'long'?

You and that outlook of yours, eh, you should get help with that! Besides, I always aim to exceed expectations. Think positive bud. And remember, this is all in jest isn't it, or was it "ironic" you were going for? You clearly don't understand what that means so keep that dictionary of yours handy won't you petal. Here,
just for you. Don't dish out what you can't swallow.
Hehehehe, aren't we havin fun here!
I love a bit of banter me!

, ooh I'd tickle ya if I could ya ironic lil rascal!!
Yours in humour, irony, peace and love my friend