Is ebay good for buying land rover

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Can't believe he has given up, it's nice to read a thread that makes your blood boil every now and then. I hope he gets his freelander for considerably more than it is worth and after a few months of it raping him for more cash he then tries to sell it on and makes a huge loss. I then hope it breaks on the new owner who seeks his revenge for being ripped off by causing swift violence about his person.

You can hope for anything I suppose.
you want a valuation....start with .no car is worth more than 2k...theres pleanty of vehicles for sale out there in the sub 2k price range that will work as well as av 10k car...depreciation is a lot lower and arguably reliability will be higher and repair costs lower cos they dont need computers to control basic functions.

. ive just been looking ar replacing my rusted out disco...looked at diesel freelander..... what muppet designed it so the front wheels turned faster than the rear unless a silicon grease filled thingy an engineer thats a marketting driven cock up from day 1, wouldnt touch one with a barge pole.. so to me any freelander is worth maybe 200 for scrap.

is that simple enough for you?
Just thought ... I wonder if he's selling a knackered Gaylander and trying to find out how much he could get for it!!
Can't believe he has given up, it's nice to read a thread that makes your blood boil every now and then. I hope he gets his freelander for considerably more than it is worth and after a few months of it raping him for more cash he then tries to sell it on and makes a huge loss. I then hope it breaks on the new owner who seeks his revenge for being ripped off by causing swift violence about his person.

You can hope for anything I suppose.

Well I hope you stick around on here for some time to come cos you're bloody funny. :cool::cool::D:D