How to replace Wing Mirror glass

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New Member
Hi all

Has anyone got any photos of how to change the wing mirror glass. Mine is cracked and I got a replacement for 15 quid off ebay.

Many thanks in advance
This is actually a bitch of a job to do without busting something.

Like you I lately picked up a replacement glass off ebay. It arrived all safe and sound but without a replacement clip that goes between the glass and the servo. No problem, bearmach do them for a coupe of quid. Ordered one and it arrived in a few days. In the meantime I did a bodge job on the old one as I flippin hate driving without mirrors.

Anyway lunchtime came and I went out to fit the new clip. Now in fairness it was bloody cold when I went at it but as soon as I tried to press the mirror onto the servo the brand new clip snapped in two places :eek:

I ended up rebodging the old clip, which was only broken in one place, with a glue gun and pushing it back onto the servo. I then hooked the glass onto the inner tabs and put a quick daub of hot glue onto where the other tabs would have been and stuck it on.

Rough as a bears arse I know but it all works fine :)

So for a bit of advice, put the new glass on a radiator or heat up the clip with a hairdryer before atttemting to fit. Definitely don't do it in the cold.
You are supposed to and i use the words (supposed to) guardedly. Tilt glass out nearest to door push glass towards door gently with a small lever from outer edge and pull glass off complete with plastic clip. BUT that very seldom works you always break clip. So buy a clip for a couple of quid first, then you won't be having to bodge it up with gaffer tape until your new clip, which you should have had before you started arrives.
Im TRYING to do that same job now, blummy what a pain in the ass it is, taking me 1/2 hour so far, and yep, i have broken stuff already, got the epoxy out now to fix some of it and will have another go later when its dried off, i can see myself just getting a whole new mirror unit!!!
I've now done the job at least three times and have done all the things wrong that can be done. Think I now know how to do it.
First piece of advice is to do a bodge job while you get a new mirror clip : in fact get at least two. They're only a coupld of quid and it really does make the job so much easier. I now keep a spare....which is usually my guarantee that I'm never going to need it again.

I've just got my spare out as I write and find its a Britpart (!) " Adaptor corresponding to STC4625"
The Job :
The mirror clips into the holding clip at two straightforwaard push fit points right and left horizontally ( 9 and 3 o'clock. Each slot is about an inch long.
I just prised the old glass out with a screwdriver while supporting the mirror glass along its whole length with my hand. If your glass is broken just hoik it out or push the whole mirror inwards towards the car ( just a wee bit !) and prise outwards at the same time.
Inspect the old clip : if there's a break it will probably be at the top or bottom of one of those two lugs.
The clip is held on with three very long screws which secure it to the motor.
There are also two thin plastc lugs on the mirror at each top corner. So far as I can see the only function they perform is to keep the mirror steady from vibration while driving but they are a bugger to get into their little slots. I broke one of them but made another out of an old margarine tub and it's been in place for 6months without problem.
It will be pretty obvious how it goes back once you've seen the way the clips work.
To put it back in I simply inserted the glass into the inboard lug, pushed gently inwards towards the car while pressing down gently on the outboard side of the glass.
You will feel/hear a positive click as it goes home.
If you have any more probs just let me know and I'll try to send you down some pics.
( If you've already worked out all of this and got the job done I'd rather you didn't tell me !)
Woohooo :clap2: I did it, broken most of the bloody inners of the thing, and used lots of araldite to fix it all again, i broke (this is so you know how good i am about braking things) the white bit that goes around the 2 screws, round plastic surround that the rubber weather shield goes on to, the new clip that i got, i broke the original mirror by dropping it on the floor as well

In my defence, i did do the bloody job right, all the parts kept coming off and falling apart as i was trying to fit them...bloody LandRover, who would have thought you could make such an easy job that hard, next time i will just stick a mirror over the top of the old one with glue!!!
Personally, I got an "Oversized" glass made a paper template from the original mirror drew around it on the new mirror....

Took it off to the local "Glass factory" & asked the guy to "cut that out" (Which he did .....) sanded the edges & all then stuck the new mirror glass over the old cracked one with some double sided tape ........................................SORTED ..... Total cost 3 quid for the mirror & a Fiver for the cutting !!!!
Only trouble with that is you loose the heated mirror.

Mine fell off again yesterday but I'm taking my own advice and not fixing it till its warm :)
Only trouble with that is you loose the heated mirror.

Mine fell off again yesterday but I'm taking my own advice and not fixing it till its warm :)

not nessy celery.

halfrauds do replacement glass which just sticks over the old broken one - yu still use the old heater element. yu can get speshuls made anorl, if they dont do one for your motor.
Just A point here........... if you go down the "One on top of the other" route DO NOT EVER use them stupid double sided pads they are USELESS

Go down to B & Q get a roll of Double sided CARPET TAPE its water resistant, Heat Resistant, & COMPLETELY un movable once in place..its only 1mm thick not about 4mm like them pads!!!

I've had a Cheap plastic clock stuck on my office wall fer over 9 months with it ...... When I changed the batteries before Christmas it was a wallpaper that gave way first .............Its AWESOME!!!!
I've now done the job at least three times and have done all the things wrong that can be done. Think I now know how to do it.
First piece of advice is to do a bodge job while you get a new mirror clip : in fact get at least two. They're only a coupld of quid and it really does make the job so much easier. I now keep a spare....which is usually my guarantee that I'm never going to need it again.

I've just got my spare out as I write and find its a Britpart (!) " Adaptor corresponding to STC4625"
The Job :
The mirror clips into the holding clip at two straightforwaard push fit points right and left horizontally ( 9 and 3 o'clock. Each slot is about an inch long.
I just prised the old glass out with a screwdriver while supporting the mirror glass along its whole length with my hand. If your glass is broken just hoik it out or push the whole mirror inwards towards the car ( just a wee bit !) and prise outwards at the same time.
Inspect the old clip : if there's a break it will probably be at the top or bottom of one of those two lugs.
The clip is held on with three very long screws which secure it to the motor.
There are also two thin plastc lugs on the mirror at each top corner. So far as I can see the only function they perform is to keep the mirror steady from vibration while driving but they are a bugger to get into their little slots. I broke one of them but made another out of an old margarine tub and it's been in place for 6months without problem.
It will be pretty obvious how it goes back once you've seen the way the clips work.
To put it back in I simply inserted the glass into the inboard lug, pushed gently inwards towards the car while pressing down gently on the outboard side of the glass.
You will feel/hear a positive click as it goes home.
If you have any more probs just let me know and I'll try to send you down some pics.
( If you've already worked out all of this and got the job done I'd rather you didn't tell me !)

Thanks Tak. I bought a replacement glass and clip and bl**dy broke both trying to put it on after 40 minutes of effing about. I am very very miffed. Glass fits onto clip fine. Clip fits onto mount fine. Fitting glass to clip on mount or indeed fitting glass & clip to mount just wouldn't click on all the way and after a lot of gradually more frustrated pushing the inevitable happened.

Replacement glass and clip ordered ... again.
Ah, when you get in there no pics are necessary. Unfortunately, when the missus took the wing-mirror out half the parts were left behind and she "couldn't remember exactly where it happened".

When the new parts arrive I'll take some photos for you. How about that?
OK, chaps. Pictures as asked. All these relate to the near-side wing mirror (passenger side on a RHD vehicle).

As it turns out all my woes came from getting a cheap mirror off Fleabay. Serves me right. Got a replacement mirror and plastic clip from Island 4x4 (no affiliation) the next day and it all just clipped together like clockwork.

Just so you know what to be wary of, here's a picture of the DUFF replacement mirror.


Notice the connectors are thin, rather than thick and also aren't bent downwards but go left to right.


This puts the connectors right into other working parts of the mirror unless you start bending things. Also, the mounting part of the back isn't raised enough so the clip doesn't fit easily. So tight in fact, you'd never get it on the car. Just bad tolerances and workmanship altogether.

Now for the GOOD stuff. Here is a picture of the real clip and mirror. Note the fatter connectors and the downward direction of the connectors to take them out of the way of the mirror working parts.


You actually put the clip on the circular mirror mechanism and then put the mirror on afterwards as described earlier in this thread but for illustration purposes I'll show how it fits on here. So, first right hand side slips under the loop of the clip and then the left hand side (outside) just slips under.


Here's the clip in place on the right hand side.


Here's the clip in place on the left hand side.


And here's what it looks like all done, although I've just noticed the antivibration clip visible on the top photos isn't on these.


Having shown that, take the 2 apart again. Here's the place where the plastic clip goes.


You just push the clip on and then sort of push around the rim until all the little lugs audibly click behind the lip.


After that, attach the heater wires and line up the antivibration tab with the slot and slide it in. Then clip in mirror into the plastic clip on the side nearest the car. A little inward pressure towards the car and slight push and it just clicks into place. Give it a tug and yank to make sure it is securely in place. Job done.

So, with the right parts it is a doddle. Just stay off Fleabay!
I just fit the mirror in the clip nearest the window then with a scraper slid between the mirror and the surround, gently lever the glass outwards and press until the outer clips in. Simples:)