Here you go, not being big headed, but they look good, takes about 1 to 1.5 hours each set, well worth the time, i could have done them in grey leather i sopose but i like them lighter rather than dark, i will do that back ones next week, then try and sort something out with the sunroof lining, it looks crap as it is
Just to update this a little more, I have now done the pillars in a fabric, my roof lining dropped since this was done ans the sunroof lining as well, so I thought I would start again and do everything, the only thing I left was the 2 A pillars, as I liked the brighter cream, I did the pillars in a grey Faux Suede Upholstery Fabric, and a cream Suede Upholstery Fabric, and in my opinion it looks a lot better than the original (jut my opinion) but its brighter inside and looks lush!!

Just to update this a little more, I have now done the pillars in a fabric, my roof lining dropped since this was done ans the sunroof lining as well, so I thought I would start again and do everything, the only thing I left was the 2 A pillars, as I liked the brighter cream, I did the pillars in a grey Faux Suede Upholstery Fabric, and a cream Suede Upholstery Fabric, and in my opinion it looks a lot better than the original (jut my opinion) but its brighter inside and looks lush!!
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