I am surprised that you say 6 x 4mm holes causes over-cooling in an engine like that.
I am not doubting it - I have no evidence to do so - but I remain surprised.
So next time maybe three or four would be plenty?
Doesn't the stat have two valves, upper and lower?
If so, during the time the stat is CLOSED, the stat's lower valve plate should be wide open allowing the pump to shove the coolant down the by-pass which is a lower resistance parallel shorter route than through 6 wee holes in the stat's rim and the radiator. Hence I am surprised it has that much effect.
There is only a single valve in the waxstat that I know of, it opens at 88oC,
When I was repairing the hgf last year I flushed the radiator with dishwasher powder and water just off the boil. We are talking aroung 94-96oC.
The rad was removed and propped against a wall on its side. I poured the hot water through the inlet, it was hand hot when it came out of the outlet 65-70oC. This was just a rad without air flowing over it - superb cooling efficiency.
As I said before the stat bulb was supposed to be balanced, not sure if that refers to the flow of the heater bypass (at 90 degrees) coming over the stat, or the position of the stat relative to the bypass outlet, eg if the 88oC stat was moved further upstream from the bypass outlet would this allow it to open sooner.
I dont know why they (Rover design) didnt have the return at around 45 -60 degrees for a better flow dynamic. This would increase flow rate at that point and therefore project the cooler water further into the block, regardless of pump speed.
This copying of the stat bulb could have purely been down to a cost saving issue (price of new tooling for new injection mould) The stat bulb is universally the same from the 1.4 right through to the 1.8 engines.
Additionally, I believe the two supports surrounding the stat core are shaped so as to provide a vortex/swirling effect. I was going to drill a single hole within the channels of each of these two supports. This will possibly facilitate cold water from the rad
around the stat ring rather than
through the stat.
I have seen similar flow designs in other systems,
pool filtration units, just before the impellor housing etc.
Again as mentioned there are theories on cavitation from the pump.
Like you say its complex and thats why I'm only changing one variable at a time.