Nope, I know of no such database, but like many Memory map users I have a copy of the whole database that Trailwise was based on setup as tracks overlays. I use them as 'possible' lanes for when I'm in another area, then do my checking from there.
As a 'for instance' of the amount of work involved ... and what I do for laning and recording where I've been ..
This 1st pic shows the map at 1:250 scale and shows many lanes (Routes) in blue and some areas with red marks which are Tracks that we've followed, lanes and roads to get between them, ecorded via GPS.
The blue marks are either lanes or fords I haven't done yet, and many of them are waypoints on routes .. this being the default setting in MM
The next pic is an area in greater detail ..
So what this shows are Routes and waypoints in Blue, many in green but still blue waypoints and many Tracks (GPS tracks) where I've actually been. The green tracks are those I know to be legal and viable as a Byway .. which doesn't always mean just any vehicle can drive them ..
There are now some purple tracks, these are what I've marked as they are known to be TRO'd or otherwise unuseable.
However .. there simply isn't time to keep up with every change you make when you go out, unless it's all you ever do! Certainly, I wouldn't do that amount of effort and simply pass it on without some payment of some kind .. but even then, Tracks I currently _know_ to be open and legal might change tonight ... The above pics are pretty old, I have a lot more, and more up to date, info on my 'main' computer, not on this laptop, but that's info compiled over the years, not all from GPS sampling, but also transferring from my old paper maps, other peoples input etc etc I often thought about selling a couple of old laptops with the info copied onto them, but never got round to it ...