Hi im a freelander td4 owner had it for 4 years now ,but its gone through 3 fuel pumps in that time one in the engine , and 2 at tank ! Now she stopped going on Sat nite and they think its fuel pump again it was only replaced in january 09, shez a 2001 Im thinking now theres got to be a problem somewhere else thats causing these to go so many times , anyone any ideas ???????? I ve replaced cam senser, air flow meter, only other thing thats bugging me is it a problem wit the immobiliser and they think its the pumps????? Not sounding silly here but how many pumps does my freelander have i was told it has 3 but reading some posts it looks like it has 2 ? On sat nite she was driving fine then just went like u were in wrong gear and stopped wudnt start again then left her allnite went back still no joy but the battery ran low with turning it , got it home yesterday started but then cut out thats wat making me tink fuel cut off ....also other times pump went it started an when u left it came back wudnt start but then in half hour it started but this time it aint doing that .....only other thing is that the SRS light came on but the garage that fixed my jeep didnt give my handbook back to me so I dont know what that means can anyone help me there ? It was only serviced a week ago too .